
Figures du sujet dans l'oeuvre de Roland Barthes : dérives, bonheur, anagramme

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1988



Bordeaux 3



Abstract EN:

Synchronic, diachronic and lexicographic analysis of the birth of the very idea of the subject in writing, highlighted by the notions of a thematical, grammatical, linguistic and psychoanalystic subject. Typology of the many aspects of the subject as quoted from the overall of roland barthes's work; how the word occurs, how frequently, in which contexts and what it means; how such meanings derive, through semantics and recreations, to a new endowment of the subject in writing. Focusing upon the particular contribution of roland barthes's writing, together with its enjoyments, as felt in the today's quest for the name of the subject who writes, and thus suggesting a neologisme : the "sujeme".

Abstract FR:

Analyse synchronique, diachronique et lexicographique de l'emergence du concept du sujet de l'ecriture au travers des notions de sujet thematique, grammatical, linguistique et psychanalitique. Typologie des differentes figures du sujet relevees dans l'ensemble de l'oeuvre barthesienne. Analyse des occurences du terme, frequence, contexte, signification, et derivation semantique et ludique des signifiants vers un fondement nouveau du sujet de l'ecriture. Mise en valeur de l'apport specifique de l'ecriture barthesienne et de ses bonheurs dans la recherche moderne d'une nomination du sujet-ecrivant, et proposition a cet effet d'un neologisme : le "sujeme".