Le merveilleux dans l'oeuvre de George Sand
Paris 8Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
In this study, we tried to clarify the marvelous world written by george sand. Interested in the hoffmann's works which had inaugurated the fantastic in the literature, sand wrote many novels in which she treated the sixth sense, the dream and the madness. Her novels written in 1830' and 1840' contain a lot of subtle elements which are typical of the fantastic literature. After studying these works, we remarked that georges sand's fantastic was so personal that it couldn't make her famous as an author of the fantastic novels. Luckily. Sand had an inquisitive spirit which led her to find the marvelous in the legends and in the superstitions. Les legendes rustiques and the other novels whose theme was the rural life contributed to the rehabilitations of folklore of her native land. Berry. In these works. Sand made folktales immortal. Leading them. We can join the blessed time when people believed the marvelous phenomena firmly. With a conviction that the marvelous was the product of human's imagination. Sand tried to construct a marvelous world of her own in her novels, in her plays and especially in her tales such as les contes d'une grand-m^re. In these works, she admired the special talent owed by country people, a sense of wonder, with which they could see and believe the marvelous things. For her, a marvel, just like a love, is able to cut off the ominous chains which bind human beings and to get them out of fatalities. The marvelous of george sand imply therefore not only folklore but also psychology, greatnesse of the nature's works and respect for the human's dignity. Even now, it teaches us the wisdom and the art in our life.
Abstract FR:
Dans cette etude, nous avons essaye de mettre en lumiere le monde merveilleux de george sand. Dans sa jeunesse, sand, influencee par la mode de la litterature fantastique inauguree par hoffmann, ecrivit de nombreux ouvrages traitant du sixieme sens, du reve et de la folie. Ses uvres ecrites a cette epoque contiennent des elements incoherents qui sont les caracteres inquietants du genre fantastique. Mais, le fantastique de george sand est personnel et ne l'aurait pas a lui seul rendu celebre. Heureusement, pour la posterite, l'esprit curieux et agile de sand lui a permis de retrouver ses sources paiennes dans le folklore, tout empreint de merveilleux. Avec les legendes rustiques et les autres ecrits sur la vie rurale, elle contribua a redonner de l'eclat au patrimoine de son pays natal, le berry. A travers ces ecrits, nous rejoignons l'epoque benie ou les gens cohabitaient avec le merveilleux. Convaincue que le merveilleux est le produit de l'imagination humaine, sand tenta de construire son propre monde merveilleux dans ses romans ainsi que dans son theatre et surtout dans les contes d'une grand-mere. Dans ces ouvrages, sand a rendu hommage a la faculte primitive de croyance au merveilleux. Chez elle. Le merveilleux, comme l'amour, rompt les chaines malefiques et decharge les personnages d'un destin funeste. Le merveilleux sandien implique le folklore, la psychologie, la grandeur des travaux de la nature et le respect de la dignite humaine. Plus de cent ans apres, le merveilleux de george sand nous parte, a haute voix, de la sagesse et de l'art de vivre.