Le Père Labat, témoin du monde noir
Aix-Marseille 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Father labat thought that the introduction of catholicism among the black people would ineluctably bring about a deep transformation in their socio-cultural way of life. This priest was persuaded that through slave-trade, colonization and modern teaching, blacks would rise to the level of occidental culture. He also thought that through his testimonials and through evangelization in general, the blacks would give up their traditional beliefs. Unfortunately, he bitterly observed that fetichism was deeply rooted in the blacks' mentality.
Abstract FR:
Le pere labat pensait que l'introduction du christianisme dans le monde noir devait ineluctablement entrainer une profonde transformation dans le mode socio-culturel des noirs. Ce religieux estimait que par la traite, la colonisation, et l'enseignement moderne, les noirs se hisseraient au rang des nations occidentales. Il croyait egalement que par son temoignage religieux, et par l'enseignement du catholicisme, ceux-ci abandonneraient leurs croyances traditionnelles. Malheureusement, il constate que les noirs restent profondement attaches a leurs croyances aux fetiches.