Temps et creation romanesque dans l'oeuvre d'aragon
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The invention of fictions appears as the oustanding means to give shape to the experience of time and to go beyond its limits thanks to the handling of time in novels. In the corpus of 18 works formed by all of aragon's writings which, strictly or not, come under the heading of novel', one can discern certain constant features, but also sets of works characterized by varying methods in the treatment of time. The years marking a transition in this respect are correlated both with the author's personal evolution and the main trends of the modern awareness of time. The sense of historical evolution and the imagination of history turn out to be at the heart of aragon's treatment of time and thereforre the basic part they play in his novels will be analyzed through a few instances of his use of documents and of the vision of history which arise from the structure of his works. Lastly, aragon's art as a novelist of time is brought into light through a study of three narratives. The conclusion brings out the specific features of aragon's time and their necessary relationship to fictional creation.
Abstract FR:
L'invention de fictions apparait comme le moyen privilegie de donner forme a l'experience temporelle vecue et d'en depasser les limites grace a la manipulation du temps romanesque. Dans le corpus de 18 ouvrages forme par tous les ecrits d'aragon relevant au sens large du "ro man", on observe des constantes, mais aussi des ensembles caracterises par des pratiques differentes des jeux temporels. Les annees-seuils ou ils se modifient sont mises en relation avec l'evolution personnelle de l'auteur comme avec les grands courants de la conscience moderne du temps. Le sens du devenir historique et l'imagination de l'histoire s'averant au centre de la temporalite d'aragon, leur role essentiel dans ses romans sera analyse a partir de quelques exemples du traitement du document et de la vision de l'histoire quis e degage de la composition des oeuvres. L'art d'aragon comme romancier du temps est enfin mis en evidence dans trois recits. La conclusion degage les traits specifiques du temps aragonien et leur rapport necessaire a la creation romanesque.