
Le lieu commun hors du commun chez raymond roussel

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Paris 3




Abstract EN:

The critique of raymond roussel --- whether favorable towards his work or not --- classified him, until today, among the "diffi- cult" authors, the outsiders. It is time to rescue him from this isolation. In order to achieve this aim, this study concentrates on three main themes, the mechanism of roussel's imagination, the cul- tural context of his works, and the paradow of his texts. 1) the mechanism of his imagination roussel's imagination was not pure and genuine. His style was mechanical and he operated by altering extraneous materials. 2) the cultural context of his work as a matter of fact, the basis of roussel's imagination con- sisted of different cultural ressources. He continuously used the general cultural foundations of his time. His own culture was formed mainly by the popular culture and the childlike culture, but also by the lirerary culture and the scientific culture. So, even if rous- sel's literary work seems uncommon, it was formed by these common origine. 3) the paradox of his texts the author vacillated between the direct use of culture. Despite his attempt at authenticity, the art of simulacrum determined his literary work. In this way, his texts were created --- written in an affected and forced style. As a result, he failed to be accepted during his lifetime, but flourishes during his posthumous rediscovery.

Abstract FR:

Favorable ou non, la critique litteraire n'a cesse jusqu'a aujourd'hui d'enfermer raymond roussel dans le cercle des auteurs difficiles et marginaux. Il est temps de le sauver de cet isolement. Dans ce but, notre etude porte sur trois axes : le mecanisme de l'imagination, le contexte culturel de son oeuvre et le paradoxe du texte roussellien. 1) le mecanisme de l'imagination roussel n'avait pas une imagination pure et absolue. Son ecriture releve d'un mecanisme qui fonctionne en soumettant les materiaux empruntes a une modification. 2) le contexte culturel en fait, a la base du mecanisme de l'imagination de notre auteur se trouve un reservoir culturel : le substrat culturel de son epoque dans lequel il puisse constamment. Sa culture etait essentiellement populaire ou enfantine, mais aussi litteraire et scientifique. Si insolite qu'elle paraisse, l'oeuvre de roussel est une expression de ces differentes cultures. 3) le paradoxe du texte roussellien notre auteur oscille entre l'utilisation de la culture et la transformation de celle-ci. Malgre son aspiration a l'authenticite, l'art du simulacre determine ainsi son itineraire litteraire. De la son texte marque d'un caractere factice et artificiel, qui entraina son insucces de son vivant et son epanouissement posthume.