Une oeuvre melee : poetique et politique chez chateaubriand
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
It appears from the composition of chateaubriand's works that he could claim, as for his narrator chactas, a "mixed style". The complete woks reproduce the generic mixture of the juvenilia; along with the memorialist to be, the ladvocat edition presents us with the many facets of chateaubriand's activity. The thirty two volumes are divides into travel history politics literature, however the historical and political writings are largely neglected and critical exegesis tends to separate the statesman form the "enchanter". My purpose is altogether different : beyond generic distinctions it seems essential to define a topical and stylistic matrix accounting for the complete works as such. Each text is related to the others, quoted or recycled. In other words chateaubrianesque intratextuality is at once the means and end of our study. The outline of my dissertation reflects the bringing together of the writer's various "careers". The vocation of the memorialist and statesman is traced back throughout the so-called "literary" years. Reversely i focus on the literary legacy of the political career : a powerful epideictic rhetoric for beyond the tomb, and the delineation of the noted ethos of chateaubriand. Ultimately my thesis highlights the dual nature of his life and works, both "public" and "private", positivist and romanesque.
Abstract FR:
A etudier la composition des oeuvres de chateaubriand il semble qu'il possede en propre, tel son narrateur chactas, un "style mele". Les oeuvres completes reproduisent le mixte dont procedaient deja l'essai historique ou le genie du christianisme : l'auteur divise les trente deux volumes de l'edition ladvocat en voyage histoire politique litterature. Comment evaluer les rapports qui se tissent entre ces differents genres ? on ne lit guere les etudes historiques de chateaubriant, et la critique tend a separer l'enchanteur de l'homme d'etat. Notre propos est exactement inverse : nous proposons une lecture "intratextuelle" des diverses carrieres de l'auteur. Il est essentiel d'etablir une topique ou matrice stylistique qui puisse rendre compte d'une oeuvre complete, ou chaque texte se trouve lie repris et constitue par le reseau des autres textes. C'est ainsi que nous mettons en valeur l'apport rhetorique des annees politiques aux memoires et leur contibution a l'ethopee de l'ecrivain. Au sein de la carriere dite "litteraire", nous retracons plutot l'histoire de la vocation memorialiste. Au dela des distinctions generiques nous recherchons la double vie de l'opus chateaubrianesque, relevant a la fois de la "vie privee" et de la "vie publique", poetique et politique, chimerique et positif.