Le mot de la fin ou la cloture romanesque en question
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This study is concieved as an essay of local poetics applied to narrative endings. It has also been concieved so as to question a certain concept of closure. We chiefly refer to the french novel of the xix th. Century and of the first part of the xx th. With special attention to realistic fiction. First part consists in approaches to the end on the demarcative level (a textual space of the end with its external and internal limits). It also describes the techniques of closure and discusses the difference between "cloture" and "clausule". Second part is a rhetoric approach to the problem. We investigate into different oppositions such as open ends vs closed ends, emphasized ends vs unemphasized ends. A model of realistic closure is proposed with special reference to zola. Questions of time are also examined in relation with the end and from a narratological point of view. Third part is devoted to the meanings of the end : within narrative semiotics and greimas's theory, then in relation with the reader and the act of reading. The last chapter concentrates on the specific question of postfaces.
Abstract FR:
Cette etude est concue comme un essai de poetique locale applique au mot de la fin, qui designe ici la conclusion du roman. L'etude entend prendre ses distances vis-a-vis d'un certain concept de cloture. L'objet est constitue par le roman francais du xixeme siecle et de la premiere moitie du xxeme siecle. La premiere partie consiste en une approche de la conclusion romanesque au plan demarcatif-configuratif ainsi qu'au plan des techniques de la cloture. On y pose la distinction cloture clausule. La seconde partie propose une rhetorique des fins fondee sur quelques oppositions comme : clausule accentuee vs clausule inaccentuee, clausule ouvrante vs clausule fermante. On y degage, a propos de zola, un modele de cloture realiste-naturaliste. On y aborde aussi, dans une perspective narratologique, des questions de temps. La troisieme partie s'attache aux significations de la fin : dans le cadre de la semiotique narrative d'a. J. Greimas, puis dans le cadre d'une rhetorique de la lecture (la fin pour le lecteur). Le dernier chapitre est consacre au discours postfaciel et a ses enjeux.