La poésie palinodique à Rouen, 1486-1550
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
A competition for poetry in praise of the immaculate conception of the virgin, the "puy de palinods", was held annualy in rouen from 1486 until the revolution. It is studied from its origins until 1550 with the intention of showing its poetic and ideological originality. The first objects of analysis are the history of the cult to the conception of the virgin and the theological evolution which, from the 11th century to the renaissance, provided the context for this emphasis on the immaculate conception. The literary documents which bear witness to militant "conceptionism" are then taken into consideration, before exploring the iconographical material which shows the peculiar imagination of the cult of mary. The second part provides an historical and literary panorama of what is known of the period and the milieu, exploring the activities which occurred during the day of the competition, the bourgeois and poetic circles upon which the competition thrived, as well as nearby "puys" and other poetic products of rouen. The "puy" was an important stage in the cursus honorum of the city and exercised a profound influence upon its thought and aesthetics. Lastly, the analysis of several manuscripts reveal the issues raised by such poetry and the different forms of distribution of the poetry of the "puy de palinods". The third part shows how these works combine a constant religious reference and a search for poetic imagery and moral meaning. All of these domains offer meaning, from nature to human activities, whether noble or humble : by recourse to theological reflection, humanity participates in its own redemption and its work becomes an offering to the creator, worthy of the poetic act. An appendix assembles descriptions of the manuscripts studied, biographical notes and numerous previously unpublished texts.
Abstract FR:
Un concours de poesie a la louange de l'immaculee conception de la vierge, le "puy de palinods", s'est tenu a rouen, de 1486 jusqu'a la revolution. On l'etudie, de ses origines jusque vers 1550, en se fixant pour objectif de montrer l'originalite poetique et ideologique de cette entreprise. Sont approches d'abord l'histoire du culte et l'evolution de la pensee theologique qui, du onzieme siecle jusqu'a la renaissance, ont articule cette croyance; puis les documents litteraires qui temoignent d'un militantisme conceptionniste : miracles, prieres, disputes allegoriques; enfin les elements iconographiques qui permettent de cerner l'imaginaire marial. Une deuxieme partie rassemble les informations d'histoire litteraire sur cette periode et ce milieu : on examine le deroulement d'une journee du puy, les milieux bourgeois et poetiques qui le constituent, les puys voisins et les autres productions poetiques rouennaises. Manifestation evergetique, le puy etait une etape importante dans le cursus honorum de la ville et a modele sa pensee et son esthetique. On etudie enfin quelques manuscrits revelateurs des enjeux et des modes de diffusion de cette poesie. Une troisieme partie montre comment ces oeuvres allient a une constante reference religieuse une recherche de l'image poetique et de la signification morale. Tous les domaines font sens, de la nature aux activites humaines, des plus nobles aux plus humbles : par le biais de la reflexion theologique, l'humanite prend part a la redemption et son travail devient offrande au createur, digne de l'acte poetique. Un appendice regroupe des descriptions de manuscrits, des notes biographiques et de nombreux textes jusqu'ici inedits.