Sartre en Chine : (1980-1990)
Bordeaux 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The aim of our thesis consists of the response to two questions: the first, why did there exist a "sartre phenomenon" in china in the early days of the 80s ?; and the second, how was sartre received in china, particularly in respect of literature, by chinese researchers throughout the 80s thus it is composed of two parts: the first attempts to clarify the historical background of chinese society when sartre was discovered and which gave rise immediately to great repercussions. We estimate that the enthusiasm for sartre and the existentialism of certain intellectuals and certain students strikes an ideological crisis after a heavy social perturbation provoked by the cultural revolution. From this point of view, sartre's works were geared to the urgent needs of that times which was humanism and contribud to the evolution of the mentality. The second party was used to study the comprehension of these chinese researchers to sartre's works and his literary creation. A major problem has been revealed in the study of sartre: the ideological superiority shows that the political standard is entangled in the literary study which usually makes debate and discussion between the researchers difficult. This then leads to excessive simplicity of the interpretation of his works.
Abstract FR:
Le but de notre these consiste a repondre a deux questions: la premiere, pourquoi y a t=il eu un "phenomene sartre" en chine dans le debut des annees 80 ?; et la seconde, comment sartre a-t-il ete recu en chine, notamment dans le domaine litteraire, par les chercheurs chinois tout au long des annees 80 ? elle comporte donc deux parties: la premiere tente d'eclairer l'arriere-plan historique de la societe chinoise au moment ou sartre a ete decouvert et a provoque immediatement un grand retentissement. Nous estimons que l'enthousiasme qu'eprouverent certains intellectuels et certains etudiants a l'egard de sartre et de l'existentialisme manifeste en effet une crise ideologique a la suite de la grande perturbation sociale provoquee par le revolution culturelle. L'oeuvre de sartre, de ce point de vue, a repondu a un besoin urgent de l'epoque, celui de l'humanisme et a contribue a l'evolution des mentalites. Les deuxieme partie est consacree a l'etude de la facon dont les chercheurs chinois percoivent l'oeuvre et la creation litteraire de sartre. Un probleme majeur a ete releve dans les etudes sartriennes: la predominance ideologique qui fait que le critere politique est omnipresent dans les etudes litteraires, ce qui rend souvent difficiles le debat et les discussions entre chercheurs et aboutit a simplifier abusivement l'interpretation de ses oeuvres.