Champfleury entre l'etrange et le reel : essai sur son evolution litteraire
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
A man of action, champfleury has always pursued a policy of ambiguity. Realism has been both the outward sign of his revolt against family background and social environment and a means of self-promotion he resorted to with great authority. A man of feeling, going through an identity crisis, he poured his obsessions and anxieties into a work dominated by the excruciating presence of evil. Later, he attempted, without much success, to become the medium of the people through research work on folk art. Ultimately, he came upon the failure he had smoothly but unmistakeably been heading to.
Abstract FR:
Homme d'action, champfleury a toujours pratique une politique de l'ambiguite. Le realisme a ete le signe de se revolte contre son milieu familial et son environnement social et un instrument publicitaire dont il sut jouer magistralement. Homme de sentiment, en proie a une crise d'identite, il epancha ses obsessions et ses angoisses dans un oeuvre dominee par le probleme du mal. Puis il tenta vainement, a travers ses recherches sur l'art populaire, de devenir le medium du peuple. Et il trouva, en definitive, l'echec vers lequel il n'avait cesse de tendre.