La pratique intertextuelle de marcel proust dans " a la recherche du temps perdu " : les domaines de l'emprunt
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The object of this study is to show how and why "a la recherche du temps perdu" has absorbed several literary creations to the extent of using them as its own building material. The text has been studied in the light of genetic poetics, the emphasis being laid on fragments. The approach is descriptive at first, and becomes explanatory afterwards. The description deals with the delimitation of the intertextual field, restricted to the actual borrowed parts, which are considered under four aspects: - quotation ( literal and explicit borrowing ) - plagiarism ( literal and non-explicit borrowing ) - reference ( non-literal and explicit borrowing ) - allusion ( non-literal and non-explicit borrowing ) the description of these borrowings, grouped by pairs, is dealt with in the first two parts. The third one is concerned with their meaning.
Abstract FR:
L'objectif de ce travail est de montrer comment et pourquoi a la recherche du temps perdu a absorbe des creations litteraires multiples, au point d'en avoir fait les materiaux de sa propre construction. L'etude du texte s'inscrit dans la perspective de la poetique genetique et privilegie le fragment. La demarche, descriptive dans un premier temps, devient ensuite explicative. La description repose sur la delimitation du champ intertextuel, restreint au domaine de l'emprunt, lui-meme envisage sous quatre formes : - la citation ( emprunt litteral et explicite ) ; - le plagiat ( emprunt litteral et non explicite ) ; - la reference ( emprunt non litteral et explicite ) ; - l'allusion ( emprunt non litteral et non explicite ). La description de ces emprunts, groupes deux a deux, fournit la matiere des deux premieres parties. La troisieme est consacree a l'etude de leur signification.