
Le thème de l'enfant dans l'oeuvre littéraire de George Sand

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1992




Abstract EN:

The happy setting of sand's childhood is evoked by the paris and nohant of her early childhood. The voyages singify her confrontations with existential dramas. The psychanalytical approach to the child's memories reveals a complex personality. The "corambe" ideogram permits a tripartite arrangement which sets the scene for the family group. The work mainly comes from the author's own personal experience. The novelitic child is discribed through a portrait comprising two parts: prosopography and ethopy. The little hero is discribed in his humanstate; the author underlines his humiliating condition and his psychological weakness. But beyond the appearances, the quintessence of sand's child raised to the level of a parangon of vertue, ann having some characteristics of divinities. George sand extols the eternal childhood and the vertues of a life in harmony with nature. To rich the devine state, the child is called upon to transcend his human condition trhough a process of initiation, marked out by different stages: breaking the links with the orifabe world followed by a symbolic voyage in the next workld. The enbd of the initiation, as much for the child artist as for the

Abstract FR:

Les cadres heureux de l'enfance sandienne sont evoques a travers le paris de la premiere enfance et nohant. Les voyages signifient confrontation aux drames existentiels. Une approche pyschanalytique des souvenirs d'enfance revelent une personnalite complexe. L'ideogramme de corambe de degager un agencement tripartite mettant en scene la cellule familiale. L'oeuvre est largement tributaire du vecu personnel de l'auteur. L'enfant romanesque est decrit dans son humanite, l'auteur souligne sa condition humaine humiliante et ses lacunes psychologiques. Mais au-dela des apprences, se revele la quintessence de l'enfant sandien, erige en un parangon de vertus et participant du divin. George sand prone une "enfance eternelle" et les vertus d'une existence proche de la nature. Pour acceder a la divinite, l'enfant est amener a transcender sa condition humaine, a travers un cheminement initiatique balise par diverses etapes: la rupture avec le monde profane suivie d'un voyage dans l'au-dela. L'issue de l'initiation tant pour l'enfant artiste que pour le heros ascensionnel est la renaissance.