René Magritte : écriture, peinture
Abstract EN:
A study rene magritte, writing painging on the evolution of rene magritte's (1898-1967) ideas about words and images composed of four parts : "genesis of a painter", "under the sign of the words and the images", "thaught image", "poetry of magritte's art". Evolution towords the combination of words and images to makes visible the true inspirated poetic thaught which tend to end in magrittian conception of "real art of painting", that is a visible poetry. Magritte's art pursue to oblige the thaught, "prisoner", to "think" ("see") and to make free throwout the liberated images. This painting is the material sign of the liberty of the thaught. In this way, it has the same goal as the verbal langage, it is used as a mean pf think. This the most remarkable analogy bethween writing and magritt's painting which trys to be poetic. The research of the poetic thaught lead the artist to the reveal of the thaught as a absolut mystery which becomes incarnate in the picture the two mysteries (1966). That is the materialisation of magritte's pictorial and mental univers who was researcher of the mystery of the world and the life.
Abstract FR:
Etude de l'evolution des idees de rene magritte (1898-1967) sur les mots et les images qui comporte quatre parties : "genese d'un peintre", "sous lesigne des mots et des images", "pensee image", "poetiqsue de l'art de magritte". Evolution vers l'alliance des mots et des images pour rendre visible la veritable "pensee" inspiree qui tend a aboutir la conception magrittienne du "veritable art de peindre" : c'est une poesie "visible". L'art de magritte vise a "obliger" la pensee, a "penser" ("voir") et a devenir libre a travers les images liberees. Cette peinture est le "signe materiel de la liberte de la pensee". En ce sens, elle a le meme but que le langage verbal, elle sert de moyen de penser. C'est la plus remarquable analogie entre ecriture et peinture magrittienne. La recherche de la pensee poetique conduit l'artiste, chercheur du "mystere" du monde, a la revelation de la pensee comme un mystere absolu. Ainsi l'evocation du mystere devient la finalite de son art des mots et des images qui s'incarne dans le tableau les deux mysteres (1966).