
L'individu dans l'oeuvre romanesque de georges darien

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1992




Abstract EN:

Georges darien, "the author of biriti" and of the thief, who fell onto oblovion for some time before being rediscovered by the surrealists, is difficult both to define and classify as a writer. Working on the fringe of literature, he refused to join any literary or political movement, in the name of the necessary freedom of the individual. The stood against all institutions and his shift to novel writing can best be explained by his revolt against the army, the 1870 war with germany and the corruption of "fin de siecle" bourgeois society. The traumas of childhood are recurrent in his six novels. His ideology and imagination were very much marked by the anarchist thinking of max stirner and joseph proudhon : he insists on the primacy of the individual, ot the unique, and encourages his fellow human beings to recover those instincts of which society has robbed them. However, his bellicist and antisemitic positions mark him off from the anarchist tradition. Voluntarily on the fringe or an outsider, his originality resides in his ability to subvert the common-place and invite cruel laughter. Art is the umtimate recourse of the unique.

Abstract FR:

Georges darien, "l'auteur de biriti" et du voleur, longtemps oublie avant d'etre enfin redecouvert par les surrealistes, est un ecrivain insaisissable et inclassable. En marge de la litterature, il a toujours refuse de s'inscrire dans un mouvement litteraire ou politique au nom de la necessaire liberte de l'individu. Il s'est affronte a toute les institutions et son passage a l'ecriture romanesque s'explique par sa revolte face a l'armee, la guerre de 1870 et la corruption de la societe bourgeoise "fin de siecle". Les traumatismes de l'enfance figurent de maniere recurrente dans ses six romans. Son ideologie et son imaginaire sont tres marques par la pensee anarchiste de max stirner et de joseph proudhon : il affirme la primaute de l'individu, de l'unique et pousse l'homme a recouvrer les instincts dont la societe l'a depouille. Il demarque toutefois de l'anarchisme par ses positions bellicistes et antisemites. Volontaire ment en marge ou en-dehors, il affiche son originalite par le renversement des lieux communs qui conduit au rire cruel. L'art est l'ultime recours de l'unique.