Le restaurant dans le roman naturaliste : narration et évaluation
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This work considers the subject of the restaurant in the naturalist corpus as a novelistic topos, a prescriptive focal point establishing a certain way to look at body and nature, a social representation and culturally significant table manners whose analysis can contribute to what phillipe hamon calls a "poetics of the evaluative". Commited to schemes, both evaluating and evaluated, a fictional population shows a "know-how to behave" and also a "know-how to enjoy", made up of a "know-how to see" and technical and socio-ethical "know-how to do " together with a " know-how to say". Taking into account all these aspects, allows to show the "ideology-effect" of the naturalist works, which in the text is conveyed by the idea which the character have of their projects and purpose and from the narrative point of view is to be perceived through the specific way the narrator deals with the theme, the narrator being indeed non devoid of aesthetic and philosophical presuppositions, as, together with his capacity of making up endless narrative variations around the restrictive pattern of the narration of life given as banal and ritualized and around the even more codified theme of "the restaurant scene" (first narratologic part), and also when expressing the elaborate judgements of his characters (second part centred on evaluation), he translates their experiences in spite of the special links the establishment is supposed to have with pleasure and festivity, with a critical "artist" vision, full of nostalgia for the aristocratic ideals of the past and of a pessimistic outlook of life. This double bias is highlighted by continuous confrontation with the novellistic intertext and above all the non fictional intertext (gastronomic and touristic guides, treatives on good manners) which often reveals, trough the praising of the pleasures of eating, a deep love of our condition.
Abstract FR:
Ce travail considere le motif du restaurant dans le corpus naturaliste comme un topos romanesque, un foyer normatif articulant un certain regard sur le corps et la nature, une representation sociale, et des "manieres de table" culturellement marques, dont l'analyse peut contribuer a ce que philippe hamon appelle une " poetique de l' evaluatif ", engage dans des projets, a la fois evaluant et evalue, un personnel de roman y met en jeu un "savoir-vivre" qui est aussi un "savoir-jouir", constitue par un "savoir-voir, un "savoir- faire" technique et socio-ethique, ainsi qu'un "savoir-dire". La prise en compte de toutes ces dimensions permet de demontrer "l'effet-ideologie" du texte naturaliste, qui en enonce passe par l'idee que se font de leur projet et de leur cible les actants-sujets, et, sur le plan de l'enonciation, se decele a travers le traitement specifique du motif par un narrateur non exempt de presupposes esthetiques et philosophiques, parce que, tout en se revelant capable d'operer d'incessantes variations narratives autour du schema contraignant du recit d'une existence donnee comme banale et ritualisee et de celui, encore plus nettement codifie, de la "scene de restaurant" (premiere partie narratologique), et en restituant les jugements complexes de ses personnages (deuxieme partie centree sur l'evaluation), il interprete leurs experiences, en depit des liens privilegies que l'institution est censee entretenir avec le plaisir et la fete, a la lumiere d'une vision "artiste" critique, nostalgique des ideaux aristocratiques du passe, et d'une conception pessimiste de la vie. Ce double parti-pris est mis en evidence par une incessante confrontation avec l'intertexte roma, nesque et surtout non romanesque (guides gastronomiques et touristiques, traites de savoir-vivre), qui pour sa part temoigne souvent, a travers l'eloge des jouissances de la restauration, d'un solide amour de notre condition.