
Rene arcos et la premiere guerre mondiale : un engagement pacifiste individuel

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1994







Abstract EN:

Being a poet, a writer and a chronicher of the journals of prewar period (1900-1914), rene arcos (1880-1959) commits himself since 1915 beside romain roland in his pacifist fight. He not only becomes one of his most faithful friends but also becomes his editor. Arcos was once a war reporter of "the chicago daily news". His pacifism finds originated from his personal experience of the first world war and his volontary exile in switzerland (1916-1921). Arcos dreamt of seeing universal and lasting peace being established in a fair and unified society. Despite his pacifist and anti-fascist engagement, he had always avoided the political parties and organisations in order to preserve his freedom as a writer. His idealism as well as his pessimistic nature had urged him, little by little, to withdraw in order to devote himself, almost exclusively, to the editorship. This study is closely devoted to recount the committing itinerary of of rene arcos as well as to study the main points of his work of art (short stories, novels, essays or poems).

Abstract FR:

Poete, ecrivain et chroniqueur de l'avant-guerre, rene arcos (1880-1959) s'engage des 1915 aux cotes de romain rolland dans sa lutte pacifiste. Il sera ainsi l'un de ses plus fideles disciples mais aussi son editeur. Arcos fut reporter de guerre pour le compte du chicago daily news. Son pacifisme se nourrit de son experience de la premiere guerre mondiale et de son exil volontaire en suisse (1916-1921). Il revait de voir s'installer une paix universelle et durable. Malgre son engagement pacifiste et anti-fasciste, arcos a toujours fui les partis et les organisations politiques afin de preserver sa liberte d'ecrivain. Sa nature pessimiste aussi bien que son idealisme l'ont pousse petit a petit au retrait pour se consacrer presque exclusivement a sa maison d'edition, "le sablier". Cette etude s'attache autant a retracer l'itineraire pacifiste de rene arcos qu'a presenter et a etudier l'essentiel de son oeuvre publiee (poesie, nouvelles, romans et articles).