
La lecture fictive. La representation du livre et de la lecture de stendhal a proust

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1989



Paris 8



Abstract EN:

This study is concerned with books and readings, but books which move among the other objects in the novel, and readings which are either hidden or displayed by fictional characters: the act of reading by which one is formed or is torn apart, entertains or transforms oneself, dismantles the book or rewrites it. These books that are at the same time particular novelistic objects, and these readings that constitute actions and behavior (within the novel), give rise to two lines of inquiry. The first examines through : poetics whether the self-reflexive effects produced by representing books within a book are compatible with the referential intent of the so-called "realistic" novel. The second line of inquiry studies sociocritically how books, and the behavior which is associated with them, participate in the construction of the novel's "social nature" which at once represents and transforms the depicted society. The study of books and readings within the fiction of stendhal, balzac, flaubert, huysmans and proust invites one to shift the perspective of the first problem: incompatibility will in fact depend upon the fictive speech-act relationship which the text constructs. Such examination further allows us totrace, through these fictive worlds, the expansion of the book's market and its effects : the resulting image, at times prophetic and at others retrospective, achieves meaning through these very

Abstract FR:

Il s'agit ici de livres et de lectures, mais de ceux et celles des personnages romanesques ; des livres qui circulent parmi les autres objets, des lectures que l'on tait ou que l'on affiche, de l'acte de lire par lequel on se construit ou se detruit, on se distrait ou se transforme, on defait le livre ou on le reecrit. Sur ces objets de roman particuliers que sont les livres, sur ce comportement, cet acte qu'est la lecture, est porte un double questionnement. Poetique : celui de la compatibilite des effets autoreferentiels produits par la representation de livres dans un livre avec la visee referentielle des romans dits "realistes". Sociocritique : celui de la participation des livres et des comportements qui leur sont lies a la construction de la "socialite" du roman, celle-ci representant, tout en la transformant, la societe de reference. L"etude des lectures et livres mis en fiction dans les oeuvres de stendhal, balzac, flaubert, huysmans et proust, invite a deplacer la premiere question : l'incompatibilite depend de la relation pragmatique fictive que construit le texte. Elle permet d'autre part de suivre, dans les mondes fictifs, l'expansion du marche du livre et ses effets : l'image donnee, tantot prophetique, tantot retrospective, signifie par ces decalages memes. Livres et lectures fictifs disent la fascination et le vertige exerces par la bibliotheque proliferante de notre modernite.