
Emprunts et adaptations des mots latins en albanais : phonétique et morphologie

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996



Paris 4



Abstract EN:

In this work, the albanian vocabulary usually said to be of latin has been subjected to a completely renewed phonetic and morphologic enquiry, the aim of which was to define more precisely the extension of latin influence upon albanian. Starting from the postulate that all the words have been put through coherent phonetic changes or adaptations, this work ends with a new file of borrowed words. By doing so, it has been also possible to give an idea of proto-albanian phonologic system at the time of the linguistic contacts between albanian ancestors and latin-speeking people, which is not of minor interest for albanology. It fanally appears that the very confuse linguistic situation of the balkan peninsula is to be reported to a pre-ottoman time.

Abstract FR:

On s'est employe dans ce travail a soumettre le vocabulaire albanais recu generalement comme d'origine latine a une enquete phonetique et morphologique. Celle-ci reposant sur le postulat d'une coherence des traitements phonetiques, il a ete possible de trouver des elements discriminants permettant d'etablir sur des bases plus solides l'extension du corpus des mots effectivement latins. Ce faisant, on a pu remonter partiellement la chaine des evolutions phonetiques subies par l'albanais, et presenter une image, quoiqu'incomplete, des systemes vocalique et consonantique de l'albanais a l'epoque des contacts avec le latin. Il apparait en definitivce que la situation linguistique confuse des balkans modernes est bien anterieurs a la periode de l'occupation turque.