La réception du théâtre français en Allemagne (1918-1933)
Paris 4Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Ce travail etudie la reception du theatre francais en allemagne pendant la republique de weimar et l'impact de ce repertoire sur la culture d'accueil. Les pieces importees massivelent comportent surtout des comedies de moeurs conventionnelles; le theatre francais moderne n'attire pas beaucoup l'attention. Le critere de choix consiste a divertir le grand public. La critique dramatique s'oppose a cette "baisse du niveau culturel" et cherche a influencer les auteurs allemands afin de s'affranchir de la dependance du repertoire importe. De fait, on voit apparaitre une nouvelle comedie allemande conventionnelle des 1925; elle permet de supplanter les pieces francaises. L'etude des phenomenes de reception interculturelle met en evidence l'importance de la comedie depuis 1918 avec l'expressionnisme et la concurrence seculaire entre les repertoires des deux pays. A l'inverse du grand public la critique adopte une position anti-francaise. Elle se plaint du retard des pieces importees sur le drame allemand. Or, l'etude du type de production du repertoire francais calque sur la "piece bien faite" revele que nous nous trouvons au coeur d'un phenomene moderne: "la reproductibilite de l'art", pour reprendre les termes de walter benjamin. Le repertoire importe prefigure la culture de masse. Voila la veritable raison pour importer ce theatre en allemagne de 1918 a 1933.
Abstract FR:
This work analyzes the reception of french theater in germany during the weimar republic and determines the impact this repertory has on the receiving culture. The plays, massively imported consist mainly of conventional comedies of manners; french modern theater does not really interest the germans. The criterium for selecting plays in their entertainment value. Drama critics are opposed to this tendency which supposedly "lowers" the cultural level and try to influence german authors in order to liberate german theater from the french repertory. In fact, a new german conventional comedy breaks through in 1925, it starts replacing the french plays. The study of intercultural reception sheds light on the importance of comedy since 1918, with expressionism, and reveals a continuing competition between the repertories of the two countries. Unlike the spectators, the critics again take an anti-french stand. They complain about the outdatedness of these imported plays in comparison to german drama. Nevertheless close analysis of the type of production which makes up the french repertory, patterned on the "well made play", reveals that we are at the very core of modernism: "the reproducibility of art" , as coined by walter benjamin. The french plays are forerunners of mass culture. This is the true reason behind the importation of this repertory in germany from 1918 to 1933.