Acquisition du langage : les premiers mots
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Our thesis is a comparative study of the "first words" of 2 french-speaking children between 1 and 2 years. It is based on dialogues between adults and children recorded at home. We interpret children's production in terms of language operations using culioli's theory. While the language of one child (j) is rather referential, the other child's (g) is expressive. Yet, in both corpora, the most frequently used words, "ca" (that) and "encore" (more) express the existence of objects and their recurrence;other words are, on the one hand, markers of location of properties (onomatopoeias), on the other hand, markers of the opposition "me-not me" (request, refusals. . . ). Then, the organization of notioanal domains in complementary zones, centered around one type,becomes possible. Hypothesis: the operation which characterizes the second year language would be a location of discontinuity of space-tuime and of subjects. Such a location of "change" would enable the child to carry out a categorization in a binary mode, based on contrasts and couples, which would result in the structuration of a permanence of the qualitative "same".
Abstract FR:
Il s'agit d'une etude comparative des "premoers mots" de 2 enfants francophones, entre 1 et 2 ans, reposant sur la transcription de dialogues adultes-enfants. Nous interpretons les productions des enfants en termes d'operations langagieres, selon la theorie d'a. Culioli. La methodologie elaboree nous permet d'isoler des formes, de construire des correlations formes circonstances que nous traitons ensuite comme des traces de reperage (enonces). L'enfant j est plutot referentiel alors que l'enfant g est expressif. Pourtant, chez les 2, les mots les plus frequents ("ca", "encore") traduisent l'existence des objets et leur iteration. D'autres mots renvoient, soit a des proprietes (onomatopees, noms propres), soit a une opposition de type "moi-pas moi" (demandes, refus. . . ). Des domaines notionnels s'organisent en zones complementaires, centres autour d'un type. Resultats-hypotheses = l'operation caracterisant le langage de la seconde annee serait un reperage de discontinuite (espace-temps et sujets). Ce reperage du "different" permettrait a l'enfant d'operer une categorisation sur un mode d'abord binaire, de contrastes et de couples, structurant la permanence du "paraeil" qualitatif.