L'identification dans l'oeuvre de Paul Éluard
Paris 4Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Identification, in the work of paul eluard, is an experience fundamental in one existence. It coincides with the act of poetry; to create is to identify with what one names. The poet never ceases to search for his identity by projecting himself in the world that surrounds him. It is in the course of this quest that he develops in harmonious relation with others and with the world. According to eluard, identification consists not only in "leaving oneself" but also in penetrating the essence of things, of the world, and in participating in the totality of the universe in order to better communicate with the universal soul. The eyes of the beloved woman, in which the lover multiplies his reflection, are the privileged site of identification. The exchange of looks between the lovers results in a single look. The act of seeing becames the act of identification itself. Eluard's identification is a means of going beyand the human condition. Through the multiplication of his likenesses, which consitutes a constant affirmation of his presence, the poet overcomes his fear of solitude and death. Through the perfect fusion with his beloved, he becomes, like androgynus, the total man, and through his ceaseless birth he becames immortal like phoenix. In his universe everything unites in a total, eternal harmony. Thanks to his power to found he is a master of time, and he invents a free space for his own use. Through the poetic experience of identification eluard achieves the total overcaming of himself, the supreme state of liberation, and thus he opens to humanism a new horizon of perfection.
Abstract FR:
L'identification, dans l'oeuvre de paul eluard, est une experience fondamentale de l'existence. Elle coincide avec l'acte de la poesie; creer, c'est s'identifier a ce que l'on nomme. Le poete ne cesse jamais de se projeter dans le monde qui l'entoure. C'est au cours de cette quete qu'il se developpe en relation harmonieuse avec autrui et le monde. L'identification, chez lui, consiste non seulement a "sortir de soi" mais aussi a penetrer l'essence des choses, du monde et a participer a la totalite de l'univers afin de mieux communiquer avec l'ame universelle. Les yeux de la femme aimee, dans lesquels l'amant multiplie son reflet sont le lieu privilegie de l'identification. L'echange du regard des deux amants aboutit a un seul regard. L'acte de voir devient l'acte meme de s'identifier. L'identification eluardienne est une maniere de depasser la condition humaine. Par la multiplication de ses ressemblances, qui est une affirmation constante de sa presence, le poete surmonte l'angoisse de la solitude et de la mort. Par la fusion parfaite avec son amour comme androgyne, il devient l'homme total et par sa renaissance incessante comme phenix, il devient immortel. Dans son univers, tout s'unit en une harmonie pour l'eternite et la totalite. Grace a son pouvoir fondateur, il est maitre du temps et invente un libre espace a son usage propre. A travers l'experience poetique de l'identification, l'etre eluardien parvient au depassement total de soi, supreme etat de la liberation, et ouvre ainsi un nouvel horizon de la perfection a l'humanisme.