
Les oeuvres de roger de collerye. Etude litteraire, edition critique et traduction

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996



Paris 3



Abstract EN:

Roger de collerye is a poet and dramatist of the late 15th and early 16th centuries. His work were first published in 1536, very likely in his lifetime, but it was not until 1855 that a critical edition by ch. D'hericault was published for the bibliotheque elzevirienne. It was necessary to take this work up again, because criticism has since enlarged the corpus of his poectical works and enriched our knowledge of the author's biography. Our first objective is thus to define thi new corpus by determining which works are certainly the author's and which are only probably his. We have then detailed the biographical facts and endeavoured to show how legend has taken over from reality, to the point of eclipsing it completely, as the case of villon. Our next aim is to show collerye's fidelity to the dramatic and poetical traditions inherited from the 15th century, by pointing out a dense intertextuality. We also hope to highlight the astonishing modernity of his writing which acts as a witness of th nstability of the world in the transitional period at the beginning of the 16th century. Finally we propose a translation in modern french to be seen only as a way to facilitate a first reading and to underline the ambiguities and the parts left deliberately equivocal by collerye.

Abstract FR:

Roger de collerye est un poete et dramaturge de la fin du xve siecle et du debut du xvie siecle, dont les oeuvres furent publiees pour la premiere fois en 1536, sans doute de son vivant, et ne firent ensuite l'objet que d'une edition, en 1855, par ch. D'hericault, pour la bibliotheque elzevirienne. Il convenait de reprendre ce travail, dans la mesure ou la critique a depuis elargi le corpus poetiques et ameliore la connaissance de la biographie de l'auteur. Notre premiere tache a donc ete de definir ce nouveau corpus, en determinant des attributions certaines et d'autres probables. Nous avons ensuite precise les donnees biographiques, en montrant a quel point, comme pour villon, la legende s'etait rapidement substituee a la realite, au point de l'occulter completement. L'etude litteraire s'est ensuite attachee a montrer, tant du point de vue dramaturgique que du point de vue poetique, la fidelite de collerye a la tradition heritee du xve siecle, en signalant une intertextualite dense, mais aussi l'etonnante modernite de son ecritaire, qui se donne pour tache de rendre compte de l'instabilite du monde telle qu'un esprit de cette periode de transition que sont les premieres decennies du xvie siecle, peut la percevoir. Enfin, nous ne proposons une traduction que pour faciliter une premiere approche, et pour souligner les ambiguites et eqivoques volotaires de la part de collerey.