La tentation du suicide dans les écrits autobiographiques, de 1930 à 1970
Abstract EN:
The manner in chich the temptation to commit suicide is expressed in autobiographical writings would appear to be conditionned by the particular genre used, be it a diary, a letter or an autobiography. The choice of genre reflects the existential choices made by the writer, notwithstanding the fact that these genres sometimes overlap. On a more general level, the expression of the will to commit suicide can be traced both to the fact that existence gradually lost its meaning and to the fact that writers began to give expression to their personalities. The historical, ideological and cultural changes which have taken place between 1930 and 1970 show this loss of meaning very well. The author of autobiographical writings can thus be seen to reflect on the underlying causes of his temptation to commit suicide. He gives expression to his malaise, traces its development and imagines his death. However, he also attemps to give his existence a new meaning or at least a sense of certainty. If he cannot fall back on religion, he is obliged to seek peace of mind elsewhere - in himself or in writing.
Abstract FR:
L'expression de la tentation du suicide, dans les ecrits autobiographiques, apparait conditionnnee par le genre utilise (autobiographie, journal intime ou correspondance) qui trahit les choix existentiels de l'auteur, meme si des passerelles entre ces genres sont possibles. Elle s'inscrit, plus globalement, dans la double perspective de la perte d'un sens a l'existence et de l'apparition d'une expression de soi. Les mutations historiques, ideologiques et culturelles, entre 1930 et 1970, font ressortir cette perte de sens. L7auteur d'ecrits autobiographiques apparait alors penche sur les causes intims de sa tentation suicidaire; il exprime son malaise, le voit evoluer et imagine sa propre mort. Mais il est aussi en quete d'un sens nouveau ou d'une morale d'existence; si la religion ne lui est plus un recours, il doit chercher ailleurs un equilibre personnel : en lui-meme ou dans l'ecriture.