Reve feminin ou le feminin chez mallarme
Montpellier 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The poems of mallarme can be defind in brief by the cult of the beauty. This cult of the beauty offers us an excellent motif for a study on the feminine aspects of the poste-the anima as is said by c. G. Jung. The feminity of mallarme has two significations at the same time : the feminine world the essence of which constitutes the final view of the poetry and the feminine attitude of the poste to attain this world of feminine essence and to create a poem. The feminine world is represented by diverses favourite symboles of mallarme : night, earth, water, mirror, star, bird, jewel, siren etc. . . Throughout our study, we will focus our attention specially on the fact that the poete, in order to achieve the essence of femininity, takes a passive attitude because every male force is to his a constrain and an inpediment. As soon as he senses a certain virility within him, he transforms it into a feminine force, which explains his perference of the arduous ascetisme to the disturbing violence. We can also notice this passive feminine attitude in all his riotous efforts of creation. To create is to him to give birth. Among all the feminine vocations, that of the virgin mary is the noblest. In "le livre" we can confirm that the two feminine aspects exist in harmony.
Abstract FR:
La poesie de mallarme, pour la definir brievement, est un culte de la beaute. Ce culte de la beaute nous amene a nous interesser plus particulierement a l'aspect feminin du poete - l'anima comme dit c. G. Jung. Or l'aspect feminin de mallarme sousentend deux choses en meme temps : d'une part, la quintessence du monde feminin qui constitue le but final de la poesie ; d'autre part l'attitude feminine du poete pour atteindre ce monde et creer. Le monde feminin de mallarme est represente par divers symboles : mere, chambre, nuit, terre, eau, miroir, chevelure, etoile, oiseau, bijon, sirene etc. . . Ce qui attire surtout notre attention tout au cours de notre etude, s'est que le poete, pour conquerir cette essence feninine, prend une attitude passive, car la force male le gene et le trouble toujours. Il essaie de transformer toutes ses pulsions viriles en energie feminine, ce qui explique sa preference de l'ascese mentale au trouble de la violence. Cette attitude feminine et passive se remarque encore dans tous ses drames de la creation. Creer est pour lui enfanter; le ventre remplace la tete. Et cette vocation feminine d'enfantement poetique est divinisee par la vierge marie. Dans "le livre", nous pouvons constater que les deux aspects feminine s'harmonisent merveilleusement.