Chateaubriand journaliste
Paris 10Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
From 1790 to 1848, in a complex historical setting, chateaubriand occupied different posts in periodicals : he was owner of the "mercure de france", shareholder and editor-in-chief of the "conservateur", editor at the "journal des debats" and correspondent of numerous other periodicals. His articles are closely related to current political events often treated using allusions. A summary of the events related to the topics of the articles makes the texts more comprehensible. In some articles chateaubriand presents himself. He talks about his friends, his journeys, the events that mark his life as a celebrity. Having rapidly understood the power of the press in politics, he offered his litterary skills to the "restauration", the "bourbons" and the "charte". His position between monarchism and liberalism is one of a man who desires to connect present and past to find in this unity peace and liberty. In his literary criticism, chateaubriand demands classical positions, but romantic ideas begin already to break through : here also the ideal of which he dreams is one of a middle way between tradition and innovation. Writing for periodicals was a toil for chateaubriand who chose to sign his texts according to their content, their tone and their goal, but also according to their historical hazards. He particularly elaborates their style, using the traditional rhetoric with dexterity, showing above all consummate art of irony. The great writer reveals himself in tone breaks and unexpected pictures that are organised in characteristic metaphorical chains. The articles enter also in the work of the writer. Besides, chateaubriand created his own publicity for his literary works in the press. Moreover, his literary works are linked to the articles by citations and reminiscences circulating between the two types of texts. Finally, certain articles are integrated into the complete works.
Abstract FR:
Ce travail est destine a faire mieux connaitre les articles de chateaubriand, part un peu meconnue de son oeuvre, en soulignant l'ampleur et la variete de sa collaboration aux journaux et en montrant son importance pour la connaissanc e d'un chateaubriand politique, certes, mais toujours ecrivain. De 1790 a 1848, dans un cadre historique complexe, chateaubriand occupe differentes fonctions au sein des periodiques : il est proprietaire du mercure de france, actionnaire et redacteur principal du conservateur, redacteur au journal des debats, correspondant dans de nombreux autr es periodiques. Ses articles sont etroitement lies a une actualite politique mouvementee qu'ils traitent souvent par allusions. Un rappel des evenements mis en relation avec le contenu des articles permet de mieux comprendre ces textes. Dans certains articles, chateaubriand "se raconte" : il parle de ses amis, de ses voyages, des incidents qui jalonnent sa vie d'homme celebre. Ayant compris tres vite le pouvoir de la presse en politique, il met egalement sa plume au service de la restauration, pour redorer l'image des bourbons et pour defendre la charte : sa position, entre royalisme et liberalisme, est celle d'un homme desireux de relier present et passe pour retrouver, dans l'unite, paix et liberte. Dans ses critiques litteraires, enfin, chateaubriand revendique des positions classiques, mais des idees romantiques percent deja : l'ideal dont il reve est, la aussi, celui d'une voie moyenne entre traditions et innovations. Ecrire pour les journaux fut un veritable labeur pour chateaubriand qui choisit de signer ses textes en fonction a la fois de leur contenu, de leur ton et de leur but, mais aussi de contingences historiques. Il travaille particulierement leur style, maniant avec dexterite la rhetorique traditionnelle, montrant par dessus tout un art consomme de l'ironie. Le grand ecrivain se revele.