
Roland barthes-gilbert durand visee de l'oeuvre et visions du monde

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997



Abstract EN:

The thesis is devoted to analysis of the activity of roland barthes and gilbert durand. Its main purpose is to compare and relate the kind of imagination, research methods and the results of findings of these two critics that are generally considered as representing two extremes of humanities. In the first part of the paper the intellectual personnalities of r. Barthes and g. Durand are presented. This allows to indicate the basics elements on which their thoughts are based. The second part is devoted to the methodological aspect of research activity of these two critics as far as writing are concerned. It has been found that they both, maybe in different ways, examine the possibility of reconciling the objective analysis of literary work with the subjective approach, usually considered as being in opposition. The third part relates the former results of research (presented in the first part of the paper) to r. Barthes' and g. Durand's critical reflections, mainly about narrative writing of the 19th and 20 th centuries. On this basis the relationships between the attitudes towards literary works and outlooks on life represented by these two autors are analysed. The fourth part, which is also an extended conclusions, aims at thinking over the place of r. Barthes' and g. Durand's activity on the background of general trends of the culture nowadays.

Abstract FR:

Le travail est consacre a l'examen de l'activite critique de deux auteurs francais: roalnd barthes et gilbert durand. Le but principal de la these consiste a confronter les attitudes intellectuelles, les methodes d'approche des oeuvres de culture et les resultats finaux de la recherche menee par les deux critiques que, selon une opinion courante, "tout" separe. La premiere partie presente ainsi les "silhouettes" intellectuelles" de r. Barthes et de g. Durand, ce qui permet de determiner les champs communs de leurs investigations dans le domaine des sciences humaines. La deuxieme partie est consacree a l'etude des aspects methodologiques de leurs conceptions et accentue surtout leur effort commun pour depasser l'antithese de la perspective objectiviste de l'approche des oeuvres et leur approche subjectiviste. La troisieme partie rapporte les idees des auteurs concernes a la critique des oeuvres de narration. L'etude des aspects des oeuvres que r. Barthes et g. Durand mettent en relief permet de reflechir sur les bases intellectuelles et imaginaires de leurs conceptions ainsi que sur les rapports qui existeraient entre les choix methodologiques effectues par les critiques et les conceptions du monde plus generales qui emanent de leurs travaux. La quatrieme partie, qui constitue en meme temps une conclusion elargie, se propose de situer les deux auteurs dans la perspective plus large des tendances generales de la culture occidentale au seuil du xxie siecle et presente l'oeuvre de r. Barthes et de g. Durand comme reflechissant l'etat actuel de la reflexion sur le phenomene de lasignification.