Etude lexicale des parlers arabes marocains
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Lexical study of moroccan arabic on the basis of an important corpus, the g. S. Colin's file containing more than 5000 roots and some oral research. The structure of moroccan arabic is based on the root-pattern intercrossing and the use of a set of suffixes generating new forms. Examination of triliteral roots with all the patterns that have been detected by the systematic analysis of the eleven letters of the file. The study of each pattern refers to classical arabic considered as a standard. The lexicon of moroccan arabic consists of classical words which have followed some of laws of linguistic evolution. The contact of the dialect with other languages have resulted in the appearance of many foreign terms. Berber, turkish, spanish and french borrowings have been perfectly assimilated, cast into arabic moulds and submitted to the morphological laws of the receiving language: derivation, formation of plurals, diminutives. They have sometimes given birth to new roots. Sets of patterns corresponding to specific categories: masdars, adjectives, participles, trade nouns, plurals and diminutives can be brought to light in the lexicon. Moroccan arabic is undergoing a major change, not only lexical, but also phonological under the influence of mass media and arabicized education.
Abstract FR:
Etude lexicale des parlers arabes marocains a partir d'un important corpus, le fichier de g. S. Colin, qui contient plus de 5000 racines, et d'enquetes orales. La structure de l'arabe marocain repose sur le croisement scheme-racine et l'utilisation d'un ensemble de suffixes generatifs de formes nouvelles. Examen de la racine trilitere avec tous les schemes qui se sont degages du depouillement systematique de onze lettres du fichier. L'etude de chaque scheme se refere aux structures de l'arabe classique considere comme norme. Le lexique de l'arabe marocain est constitue de mots classiques qui ont obei a certaines lois d'evolution linguistique. Les contacts de ce parler avec d'autres langues ont entraine l'apparition de nombreux termes etrangers. Les emprunts berberes, turcs, espagnols et francais ont ete parfaitement assimiles, coules dans des moules arabes et plies aux lois morphologiques de la langue d'accueil: derivation, formation de pluriels et de diminutifs. Ils ont parfois donne naissance a de nouvelles racines. On peut degager du lexique des ensembles de schemes correspondants a des categories determinees: masdars, adjectifs, noms de metiers, pluriels, diminutifs. L'arabe marocain est en pleine evolution lexicale et meme phonologique sous l'influence des mass-media et de l'enseignement arabise.