
Description du creole de la grenade

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1988





Abstract EN:

This work consists of a general description of the principal traits of grenadian creole ; treated under a linguistic as well as a sociolinguistic angle. There is also the inclusion of a small vocabulary section. For the linguistic part of this work a study has been made of the phonetical, morphonological and syntaxic characteristics of the said language. The sociolinguistic section deals with the presence of certain traditions (stories, songs, proverbs) which all have a certain link with the colonial period under the french. In addition there is a semantical analysis of certain words and expressions of the creole language which have become a part of local english.

Abstract FR:

Ce travail consiste en une description generale des traits principaux du creole grenadin. La description est sous l'angle linguistique it sociolinguistique. Il y a aussi une liste lexicale. Dans la partie linguistique, nous avons une etude des caracteristiques phonetiques, morphophonologiques et syntaxiques. La partie sociolinguistique traite la presence de certaines traditions (des contes, des chansons, des proverbes) qui remontent dans certains cas de l'epoque de la colonisation francaise. En plus il y a une analyse semantique de certains mots et locutions du creole qui se sont integres a l'anglais.