
Mesure de la limite. Valéry devant la littérature

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1989



Paris 8




Abstract EN:

To portray the figure of a writer who takes his place at the forefront of literature and works at defining for himself its boundaries through another division of literary forms : such is the ambition of our research whose grounds are the nominalist conception of language that valery expands. Thus is underlined the necessity of approximating to reality through the imaginary, of building the poetics of enunciation which restrict communication, of rethinking the relations between author and reader, and of refusing the representation of the novel, history and philosophy. What is at stake is the understanding of what limits the literature of valery, its foundations, its complete divisions - especially between the voice and the written - its fixed purposes also, in a movement of critical rupture and singular renewal : valery proposes to us an enterprise which subverts the statute of finished work through a complex play between private and public, by the care of separation, appropriation, and the power of a subject who becomes the origin and brings on himself the reality he understands or writes.

Abstract FR:

Dessiner la figure d'un ecrivain qui se place devant la litterature et travaille a en definir pour soi les limites par un autre partage des genres : telle est l'ambition de notre etude qui se fonde sur la conception nominaliste du langage que developpe valery. Ainsi se trouve soulignee la necessite de se rapprocher du reel par l'imaginaire, de fonder une poetique de l'enonciation qui borne la communication, de repenser les relations auteur-lecteur, et de refuser la representation du roman, de l'histoire et de la philosophie. Il s'agit de comprendre ce qui circonscrit la litterature valeryenne, ses soubassements, ses partages radicaux - sin- gulierement entre la voix et l'ecriture -, ses partis pris aussi, dans un mouvement de rupture critique et de renouvellement singulier : valery nous propose une entre- prise qui subvertit le statut d'oeuvre par un jeu difficile entre le public et le prive, le souci de la separation, de l'appropriation, du pouvoir d'un sujet qui se fait origine et seduit a soi la realite qu'il comprend ou ecrit.