La figure du pedagogue du xviiie siecle, de l'enfance de marmontel a celle de stendhal
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Education is one of the main concerns of the age of enlightenment. The choice of the individuals in charge of education seems to be critical, certainly as important as the definition of moral education and the whole instituted syllabus for the intellectual guidance of the young. The nature of the tutor-pupil relationship as revealed in memoirs, treatises, fiction and other literary texts in 18th century sense, depends on what is required by a changing society, whether economically, socially, religiously or politically, from instituteurs to use the term officially adopted by condorcet. In a period of planned reforms that neither parliaments nor revolutions succeeded in achieving, there is no development from the portrait of the prince's tutor, the fenelonian mentor, to the idealized portrait of the common school-master. From the education of the rulers to that of the ruled, the tutor is considered the guarantor of social order and also as the architect of public happiness, a concept which gradually replaces that of salvation. Only emile's governor and his followers have the clear intention of promoting mankind in his uniqueness and free will. Three authors - more or less self-taught - chiefly illustrate the matter : mme de genlis responsible for the education of louis-philippe 1st, j. -j. Rousseau whose radical work on education appeared when the jesuits where expelled, and retifde la bretonne, a printing-worker, whose personal perspective adds subjectivity to historical portraits of pedagogues which recur throughout his writing. At the heart of the debates upon education and instruction both private and public, lies the fact that in a secularized society the institution was not laicized. The tutor-pupil relationship must be considered in the context of its link with the institution. Despite the facts that his function becomes a trade and his responsability increases, the teacher is searching for the freedom and the esteem appropriate to the man of letters.
Abstract FR:
L'education est l'une des preoccupations majeures du siecle des lumieres. Outre la definition d'un contenu moral et intellectuel de l"institution" de la jeunesse, le choix des hommes charges d'accompagner celle-ci apparait capital. La representation de la relation maitre-disciple, que donnent a voir memoires, traites, fictions, et autres textes "litteraires" au sens du xviiie siecle, varie en fonction des attentes d'une societe en pleine mutation (economique, sociale, politique et religieuse) vis-a-vis de ceux que l'on nomme pedants, regents, etc. , puis instituteurs, terme officialise par condorcet. . . De l'image du gouverneur du prince, mentor fenelonien, a la representation ideale de l'instituteur des enfants du peuple sur fond de projets de reformes que ni les parlementaires, ni les revolutionnaires ne purent mener a bien, il n'y a pas de rupture. . . De l'education des gouvernants a celle des gouvernes, sujets et/ou citoyens, l'enseignant est considere comme l'artisan du bonheur public (la notion efface peu a peu celle de salut) et le garant de l'ordre social. Seuls, le gouverneur d'emile et ses emules se proposent de former l'homme dans son unite et sa liberte. Trois auteurs-plusou moins autodidactes - illustrent principalement le propos : mme de genlis qui presida a l'education du futur louis-philippe 1er j. -j. Rousseau dont le traite coincidant avec l'expulsion des jesuites bouleversa durablement la pedagogie, enfin retif de la bretonne, l'ouvrier-typographe dont la subjectivite ajoute a l'historicite des figures de pedagogues qui hantent son oeuvre. . . Au coeur des debats sur l'education et l'instruction (privee, publique ou nationale) et sur l'instauration d'une societe laicisee a defaut d'etre laique, le couple romanesque maitre-eleve doit etre envisage dans son rapport avec l'institution. Tandis que sa fonction devient metier et que sa responsabilite s'accroit, le maitre est en quete de liberte et aspire a la consideration accordee a l'homme de lettres. . .