
Des romans inachevés : étude historique et structurale

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1998



Paris 8




Abstract EN:

This is a historical, descriptive and typological study of unfinished french novels from the middle ages to the twentieth century, through a corpus of examples and an analysis limited to the unfinished or incomplete narratives of stendhal and giono (566 indexed titles in all). Noting the absence of a unambiguous concept of'unfinishdness', various criteria are adressed by which unfinished novels might be identified within the broader class of incomplete narratives, which are particularly numerous in the 17th and 18 centuries, inviting a study of how authors dealt with the problem of arbitrary nature of endings. The study goes on to analyse forms of unfinishedness, and their impact, in the work of stendhal and giono, and concludes in appraising such infinished and incomplete works in the light of the expectations set up by the narrative tradition. Research into different types of incompleteness suggests a distinction between (a) unfinished novels in the primary sense ; (b) fragmentary works ; (c) inconclusive cycles and romances ; (d) closed infinitely-expanding works ; (e) traces of the creative act (sketches, notes, outlines of planned works). Historically, the process leads to normalisation : with the inconclusive novels of the 17th and 18th centuries, and the open-ended narratives of the 20th, the lack of an ending ceases to be an exceptional feature, although their frequency does not challenge the paradigm of the concordant ending as a characteristic of the narrative tradition according to kermode and ricoeur. Morever, a study of the fate of unfinished works (posthumous continuations, reconstructive editions, critical readings offering explanations for the unfinished state of the work) shows that the ideal of completeness and coherence continues to shape contemporary expectations of fiction, even though the teleological conception of narrative in no way exhausts the variety of realisations of the novel as a genre.

Abstract FR:

Cette recherche historique, descriptive, typologique, porte sur les romans inacheves francais, du moyen-age au 20e siecle, a travers un corpus d'exemples et une etude restreinte aux recits inacheves ou incomplets de stendhal et de giono (566 titres indexes au total). Prenant acte de l'absence d'un concept univoque de l'inachevement, elle discute les differents criteres permettant d'identifier les romans inacheves dans l'ensemble des recits incomplets, qu'on rencontre en grand nombre aux 17e et 18e siecles, et dont la frequence conduit a examiner la facon dont les romanciers ont reagi au probleme de l'arbitraire des fins. Elle analyse ensuite les manifestations et la portee de l'inachevement chez stendhal et giono, et confronte enfin les oeuvres inachevees ou incompletes aux attentes creees par la tradition narrative. L'enquete sur les differentes formes d'incompletude aboutit a distinguer : a) les recits inacheves proprement dits ; b) les recits fragmentaires ; c) les romans ou cycles "non terminants" ; d) les oeuvres closes a expansion infinie ; e) les traces de la creation (esquisses, ebauches, oeuvres en chantier). Sur le plan historique, elle conduit a banaliser l'absence de fin, qui n'est nullement une caracteristique exceptionnelle (romans "non terminants" du 17e ou du 18e, romans a fin ouverte du 20e siecle), mais dont la frequence ne remet pas en cause le paradigme de fin concordante, qui caracterise la tradition narrative selon kermode et ricoeur. L'etude des voies prises par la reception des oeuvres inachevees (continuations posthumes, editions a visee restauratrice, lectures critiques proposant des explications a l'inachevement) montre de plus que cet ideal de completude et de coherence persiste a modeler les attentes contemporaines a l'egard des fictions, meme si le concept teleologique du recit qu'il postule n'epuise en rien les diverses realisations du genre romanesque.