
Recherches linguistiques informatisees sur l'ecriture des deux versions de "suenos de mala muerte" de jose donoso

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1990



Paris 8



Abstract EN:

The linguistic research herein presented, relates to the linguistic informatical description of comptex heterogeneous texts and their referencing and is to be found within the framework of the paris viii relational analysis of text laboratory. This work contribute to the development of grammar texts, specifically, in the field of spanish language of contemporary chile. The corpus we have studied consist of two works by jose donoso, a chilean wrier, which are, both, entiled, "suenos de mala muerte". We have divided the thesis in two partis. The first deals with the theatre piece while the second one treass the narrative work. The protocol of analysis: i. Editorial reference by use of scanner. Ii. Structural and editorial codification. Iii. Automatic formation of index by means of context found homographs; the statistical contextual study of the possessive determinants; the structural codification the quantitative definition of dialogue and narrative groups; the lexico syntactical characteristics of chile's spanish.

Abstract FR:

Le corpus que nous avons presente et etudie comprote deux oeuvres de l'ecrivain chilien jose donoso ; la premiere est la nouvelle (1981) et l'autre la piece de theatre qui a le meme titre: "suenos de mala muerte" (1985). Le protocole d'analyse a ete le meme dans le deux cas: i. Saisie editotiale et structurelle, pour utilisation du scanner. Ii. Codification editoriale et structurelle. Iii. Constitution automatique des index hors contextes et en contextes, globaux et selectifs, alphabetiques et hierarchiques. Iv. Etudes des resultats: a) desambiguisation des homographs a haute frequence; b) etude contextuelle-statistique des determinants possessifs. C) definitions quantitative des blocs interlocutifs et narratifs; d) traits lexico-syntaxiques de l'espagnol du chili. E) creation d'un ensemble de dictionnaires contextuels pour une meilleur interpretation de l'ecriture de jose donoso.