Langage publicitaire et traduction (francais/arabe)
Paris 4Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The internationalization of economy has led to the rise of new strategies of communication global advertising has become an important phenomenon. The same campaign is broadcast in several countries, and therefore in many languages. The problem is that of translation ; how to translate advertising text into an other language and how to fit the commercial message to the target culture ? this thesis deals with a large number of french advertisements translated into arabic. The aim is to bring out the basic structure of international messages and to study how they are translated. In order to assess the specificity of advertising language, we carried out an analysis of one hundred messages. The approach is based on semiotics : the advertising language is characterized by its pragmatic aspect which is coded into +adsigns;. The first part establishes the area of our research and the advertising aspects likely to interest translators. A whole chapter is devoted to the way of translating advertisements called + pragmatic translation ; : adsigns are converted into transigns in order to keep the same message effect. The second part describes the corpus through its linguistic and iconic elements. We study the verbal message through the slogan and the commentary, then we inquire into the picture meaning and transfer. The study of advertising picture is concluded by a compared aesthetic. The analysis then deals with the way persuasion is translated from french into arabic. It demonstrates that enunciative and rhetorical elements are not adapted to the target language. The last part deals with the cultural aspects of the question : the way in which translators try to adapt french advertisements to the arabic society and the impact of advertising on arabic language and culture. Thus the way arabic consumers perceive these messages is related to their social situation rather to their cultural backgrounds.
Abstract FR:
Avec la mondialisation du commerce et la liberalisation des economies se sont mises en place des strategies transfrontieres de communication les campagnes de publicite internationales en sont la manifestation la plus remarquable, mais celles-ci se heurtent aux barrieres linguistiques et culturelles. La traduction apparait, de ce fait, comme un facteur cle de ces strategies d'internationalisation. Les contraintes de la publicite internationale introduisent des problematiques nouvelles touchant a la communication verbale et non verbale : comment realiser des messages identiques pour des publics differents? comment traduire la praxis langagiere ? le present travail propose une etude des modalites et des implications du transfert inter-langues des messages publicitaires la these defendue peut etre formulee ainsi : le langage publicitaire est un langage specifique qui affiche sa specificite sur tous les plans cette specificite appelle un traitement traductionnel particulier que nous avons appele + traduction pragmatique ;, car fonde sur le transfert de la praxis, de l'effet publicitaire. Ce transfert particulier a des implications a la fois sur le plan linguistique et culturel : il tend a uniformiser les modes d'expression tout en differenciant les contenus de sens dans une premiere partie, la mise en evidence des specificites du langage publicitaire diffuse par la presse ecrite internationale permet de comprendre le type d'equivalences proposees par les traducteurs dans une deuxieme partie, l'etude comparative des memes publicites en francais et en arabe revele le pragmatisme caracteristique de la traduction publicitaire, tant au niveau du texte que de l'image. Enfin, l'analyse du traitement que subit la culture lors du transfert publicitaire montre le role de mediation que joue le traducteur sur le plan linguistique et culturel.