
Hélène Cixous : l'émoi en langues d'autres. Lectures du prénom de dieu, dedans, le troisième corps, les commencements, ou l'art de l'innocence

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1989



Paris 8




Abstract EN:

This dissertation deals with the first works of helene cixous as well as with a rather recent one in its last part. In this study, i have attempted to describe the main "personae" (namely that of the father) and the "primary scenes" on which the creating process is based. I am also concerned with the fragmentation of the ego into different "others" on issue which has led me to articulate the connection between the passion of writing and the multiplicity of the writing ( or speaking ) " i (s) ". Eventually my examination of ou l'art de l'innocence is more specifically focused on the writing process and the ethical, esthetical and political questions which raised by - or through - the very act of writing.

Abstract FR:

Notre these propose une lecture des premiers textes d'helene cixous et d'un texte recent (ou l'art de l'innocence). Nous avons degage les principales figures (notamment celle du pere) et les scenes primitives qui concourent a la creation; la fragmentation du moi en autres differents. Cela nous a amene a etablir un parallele entre la passion de la langue et la multiplicite des moi ecrivants. L'etude de ou l'art de l'innocence se concentre sur le travail de l'ecriture en train de se produire, et sur les reflexions ethiques, esthetiques, politiques du geste de l'ecriture dans son passage en langues.