
La constitution du personnage dans les oeuvres romanesques de jean giono

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1986



Lille 3



Abstract EN:

This study is an attempt to set forth under the diversity of giono's romantic work, "the essence" of what a specifically "gionian" being is. We thought that imagining such an investigation was justified by the fact that the characters'main features recur all along the work as well as by the heroes'unvarying way of behaving. Moreover, giono's deep interest in the absurdity of life and its obvious absence of meaning is such that in each novel the main character happens to be a metaphorical endeavour to answer it. This absence of meaning is mainly put in concrete form in the distressing vision of man's fragility opposite universalness as well as opposite the frightening emptiness that surrounds us. Emptiness is not only around us, it's in ourselves and living is surviving it. The whole work is thus a representation of the struggle of man against "both infinites": the monstrous infinite of nature and the monstrous infinite man bears in himself. The way of facing the world, of welcoming life and achieving it organise the narration. Joy would be in peace and harmony but the hero's destiny can be achieved but in the loneliness of desire, in the mobility of search and will. "sharp movements" drive every"gionian" narration, absolute love or absolute hate irremediatly move towards destruction: murder,suicide, vanishing, or silence. All these "excesses", as far as the common herd is concerned, express in the gionian world life at its best and everything is an invitation to read it in the greatness of the soul which has overcome the artificiallity of gregarious speeches and thus has rediscovered the true terms of freedom. We thought the flashing nietzschean metaphor could throw a light on "the heart of things" where from life and its becoming originate.

Abstract FR:

Sous la diversite de la production romanesque de jean giono, cette etude a tente de cerner un "etre" specifiquement "gionien". La permanence a travers l'oeuvre de traits fondateurs du personnage, l'invariance de leur fonctionnement autoriserait une telle demarche. De plus, l'attrait eprouve par giono pour la question du non-sens affirme de l'existence est tel que dans chaque roman le personnage principal apparait comme une tentative metaphorique de reponse. Ce non-sens se concretise essentiellement dans la vision angoissante de la fragilite de l'etre face aux demesures de l'univers et au vide inquietant qui nous entoure. Le vide n'est pas seulement autour de nous, il nous habite et vivre, c'est lui survivre. Ainsi l'oeuvre entiere represente la lutte de l'homme contre les deux "infinis": l'infini monstrueux de la nature et l'infini monstrueux que l'homme porte en lui-meme. Accueil de la vie ou affrontement au monde, accomplissement enfin organisent a divers degres le recit. La joie serait dans le repos et l'harmonie, or le heros ne peut s'accomplir que dans la solitude du desir, dans la mobilite de la quete et du vouloir. Des "mouvements brusques" conduisent tous les recits gioniens, amour ou haine absolus evoluent irremediablement vers l'aneantissement : meurtre, suicide, disparition ou silence. Ces "exces" pour le commun des mortels traduisent dans le monde gionien le degre optimal de la vie et tout nous invite a y lire la grandeur de l'ame quand elle a surmonte la facticite des langages gregaires et retrouve ainsi l'expression veritable de la liberte. La metaphore nietzscheenne nous a paru eclairer de sa fulgurance ce "fond des choses" ou s'originent a tout moment l'etre et son devenir.