
Étude sémio-linguistique du discours surréaliste (André Breton) : construction d'une cohérence

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1988



Toulouse 2



Abstract EN:

The reconciling of contraries is the issue raised in this semiotic study grounded on greimas's theory. Greimassian complexity appears but as a pseudo-complexity (antithesis). The neutral term splits up into two varieties: a strong and a weak form, the latter being realized in two ways, according to whether the category is or is not liable to grading: a synthetic weak neutrality (combined) and a composite one (oxymoronic). Surrealistic discourse rejects the discrete nature of the discrete gradable and identity alterity oppositions, reconciling these terms and the two above mentioned weak neutral forms into a new variety of weak neutrality. Thus unity becomes both itself and something else than itself. Isotopies occur at the intra-instead of the intersemiotic level where the adequation between language and referent which presupposes their distinction is achieved. Poetic semiotics neutralize this distinction in its own order, while preserving its solidarity with the order of reality. Images are creative discoveries of units, in which the notion of resemblance is not necessarily useful. A "subjectal" instance (neutralization of the subject object opposition), the instance of desire, works as a guarantee of the neutralizations observed. Connexions are also to be established between text and living experience, and within living experience itself. From an epistemic viewpoint, the surrealistic text endeavours to make incredible connexions appear as acceptable (being able to - and having to - believe), thanks to the elaboration of a competency where an enunciative neutrali- zation also occurs. But such connexions are made valid at once as images and as explanations within the poetic order.

Abstract FR:

La conciliation des contraires est la problematique de cet ouvrage semiotique (theorie greimassienne). La complexite semble n'etre qu'une pseudocomplexite (antithese). Le terme neutre renvoie a deux varietes : neutralite forte et faible, celle-ci connaissant deux realisations selon le caractere gradable ou non de la categorie : neutralite faible synthetique (melange) ou composite (oxymore). Le surrealisme recuse le caractere discret des oppositions discret gradable, identite alterite, conciliant ces termes et les deux neutralites faibles, dans une nouvelle forme de neutralite faible. L'unite est a la fois elle-meme et autre chose. L'isotopie intervient au niveau intrasemiotique et non intersemiotique ou se verifie l'adequation du langage et du referent qui presuppose leur distinction; la semiotique poetique neutralise cette distinction dans son ordre, en maintenant sa solidarite avec l'ordre du reel. L'image est creation-decouverte d'unites ou la notion de ressemblance n'intervient pas forcement. Une instance subjectale (neutralisation sujet objet), lieu du desir, garantit les neutralisations observees. Les rapprochements se font aussi du texte au vecu et dans le vecu. Sur un plan epistemique, le texte essaie de rendre credibles des rapprochements incroyables (pouvoir et devoir-croire) en construisant une competence ou se manifeste aussi une neutralisation enonciative. Mais ces rapprochements sont valides a la fois comme image et comme explication dans l'ordre poetique.