Le baron d'Eckstein, journaliste et critique littéraire
Paris 4Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Cette these est consacree a la presentation et a un commentaire des ecrits du baron d'eckstein, publies sous la restauration dans divers revues. Elle montre donc en premier lieu l'originalite d'un personnage qui associe les caracteristiques du journaliste a celles de l'erudit. Une seconde partie souligne l'importance de la double appartenance nationale et culturelle d'eckstein, source de nombreux malentendus, mais aussi moyen pour le critique de transmettre au public francais l'enseignement de son maitre f. Schlegel. La derniere partie traite de la participation d'eckstein aux debats litteraires de son temps : la litterature comme expression de la societe et du genie national, la question de l'imitation, les definitions du romantisme. . . Ses jugements mettent ici encore en valeur la singularite de son point de vue.
Abstract FR:
The object of this work is the presentation and commentary of the writings of baron d'eckstein, that were published at the time of the french restoration in various journals. Its first purpose is to stress the originality of a figure who blends the characteristics of a journalist with those of a scholar. The second part emphasizes baron d'eckstein's double stand in terms of nationality and culture, which was the source of several misunderstandings but also gave the critic the opportunity to transmit the teachings of his master f. Schlegel to the french. The last part deals with the role eckstein played in the literary debates of is age : literature as the form of expression of a society and a national genius, the question of imitation, the definitions of romanticism. His opinions on such topics further highlight the singularity of his point of view.