
La determination nominale : quantification et qualification en berbere. -parler "ighezran" maroc

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991



Paris 7



Abstract EN:

An introduction situates the dialect geographically and dialectologically, and summarises the essential features of berber : phonetics, and phonemics, morphosyntax, basic structure of the sentence. Then noun determination is studied in four chapters from two combined points of view : morphology (use of the bare noun, and of determinative markers), and mental operations performed by the speaker. There is no definite article in berber, and nouns frequently occur in their base form (zero article). A first chapter is dedicated to the zero article and its contextual interpretations. This chapter examines the discourse conditions wich constrain the interpretation of the zeo article: pure notional value, implicite indefinite, implicit definite. The position of the noun in the sentence, and its syntactic function are crucial in the interpretation : topicalezed nouns and verbpostposed subjects are interpreted as definite, while the object may be interpreted as definite or indefinite according to context. The situational auxiliary illa has an existential-indefinite, and a locative-definite interpretation. Two following chapters are dedicated to the explicite markers of definiteness and indefiniteness the studies the "secondary" operations superimposed on definiteness and indefinitenes : numeration, quantitative-qualitative modulations, indifference to identification and the generic. Here too, uses are classified, and the crucial role of the position

Abstract FR:

L'instruction, apres une mise en place geographie, presente, sommairement, la phonetique phonologie, la morpho-syntaxe, la structure de l'enonce du berbere. Suivent quatre chapitres qui etudient la determination nominale du double point de vue, morphologique (marques determinatives, ou leur absence), et operationnel (operations de determination). Le berbere n'a pas d'article defini, et les noms se presentent frequemment sans marque determinative. D'ou un premier chapitre sur l'article zero et ses interpre-tations. Y sont definies les conditions de discours qui contraignent l'interpre-tation de l'article zero comme renvoi a la notion, extraction implicite, ou flechage implicite. La position dans l'enonce et le role syntaxique jouent un role essentiel : le nom thematise et le sujet postpose sont fleches, l'objet peut etre fleche ou extrait. Le situationnel "illa" a une interpretation presentative liee a l'extraction et une interpretation locative liee au flechage. Deux chapitres traitent des marques explicites d'extraction et de flechage, et un dernier chapitre aborde les "operations secondes": numeration, modulations quantitatives-qualitatives, parcours, generique. Ici, les emplois sont egalement classes, et l'importance de la position dans l'enonce est a nouveau soulignee. Notamment, le generique est toujours thematise.