Les figures mythiques dans l'oeuvre narrative de Théophile Gautier
Université Stendhal (Grenoble)Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Mythical figures appear between the lines and "emerge" in the work of th. Gautier. However, in which context within that work are they normally found? do they come from the symbol, mytheme or mythical"recit"? are they the answer to a particular reading? are they organized around a particular core of ideas or philosopy typical of its time? when these figures are linked to "art", which role and aims are given to them? the analysis of the different mythical figures highlights, in the first section of this thesis, a group of mythical figures that allow us to follow the traces of the explicit mythsas well as those implicit at the textual level. On the other hand, the "symbolic hyperconstruction" deduced from the above reveals the core of my analysis : hermes and the art of the great work. The aim of the second part is to reorganize the plurality of the mythical figures which had come from the alchemic domain. The third part underlines the importance of the mythical entities within the art whereby th. Gautier "has always preferred the statue to women, the marble to flesh". The myth criticism perspective shows, nevertheless, that this work of "multiple possibilities" is organized around a determined central point. Following this th. Gautier appears as a writer who prefers unity to multiple myths, to varied figures and to different ways of expressing himself. This unity is manifested, at a formal level, through the personal myth "recit"; at the level of mythical figures, through the "androgynous"; finally the artistic unity of the writer-painter who fights for beauty and against thhe destructive power of time.
Abstract FR:
Les figures mythiques rayonnent entre les lignes "emergent" dans l'oeuvre de th. Gautier. Or, dans quel contexte apparaissent-elles generalement? relevent-elles du symbole, du mytheme, du recit mythique? repondent-elles a une lecture "precise" de l'oeuvre? s'organisent-elles autour d'un axe concret, d'une philosophie propre a l'epoque? lorsqu'elles apparaissent associees a l'art, quelle est la place qu'on leur accorde? quel est, donc, leur but? l'analyse d'occurrences mythiques met en exergue dans notre 1er partie un ensemble de figures mythiques nous permettant de suivre les traces des mythes explicites, mais aussi implicites au niveau scriptural. En outre, "l'hyperconstruction symbolique" qui en decoule nous revele l'axe interpretatif de notre exegese: hermes et l'art du grand-oeuvre. Reorganiser la pluralite des figures mythiques autour du domaine alchimique sera le but de notre 2e partie. La 3e partie, enfin, tente de souligner l'importance d'"etres mythiques" dans l'art pour celui qui a "toujours prefere la statue a la femme et le marbre a la chair". La lecture mythocritique montre, ainsi, que l'oeuvre "aux apparences multiples" s'organise, neanmoins, autour d'un axe precis : th. Gautier s'avere, en effet, un ecrivain qui, a des mythes multiples, a des figures mythiques variees, a des moyens d'expression divergents prefere l'unite. Unite retrouvee au niveau formel dans le recit mythique personnel; unite, au niveau des figures mythiques, dans l'androgyne; unite artistique, enfin, du peintre-ecrivain dans sa lutte pour la beaute contre le pouvoir entropique du temps.