
"Figures" chez André Breton : des Manifestes du surréalisme à Nadja, Les Vases communicants et l'Amour fou (théorie et pratique)

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Paris 4




Abstract EN:

Two main objectives constitute the guide-lights of this thesis. Firstly we compare breton's theories from manifestes du surrealisme to nadja,les vases communicants and l'amour fou,considering politics,religion,materialism or psychiatry. We specify his convictions concerning 1920's cultural crisis in europe: protesting against wars,he claimed a new society to be built out of far old values, namely patriotism,rationalism and public order among others. Leading surrealism theories,he carried fighting spears against capitalistic societies. To him,capitalism is the laying bed of social disparities,misery and blind belief to god which enhances human submission to an unseen dictator. Meanwhile he was a paradoxical communist party militant,praising the russian revolution,but not considering social justice in terms of material redistribution or collective production o goods. The revolutionnary society,he claimed,should allow subjective behaviour and bind nobody to any ideological dogmatism called "party discipline". Considering freudism,he defends unconciousness and waking dream as the "highest step" of human freedom. Consequently"dreams should enlighten the search of fundamental solutions" and everyone should get rid of waking activities dictatorship. Rejecting rationalism,he welcomes "hasard objectif", unpredictable mechanism by without any possible scientific interpretation. Defending love against materialistic and religious considerations,he can't bear loneliness for many reasons and celebrates his essential complementarity with things and persons he meets at random. Secondly we observe his views on arts; condemning romantism he praises "automatic writing"but a stylistic analysis shows his imitation of rhetorical figures. Nevertheless he always ruins their traditional structures to build ne forms of speech,insisting on everybody's imaginative capacities. Paris,woman and love complete breton's figure

Abstract FR:

Exploitant les methodes de charles mauron et jean-pierre richard,notre these identifie breton. Premierement nous comparons ses theories des manifestes du surrealisme a nadja,les vases communicants et l'amour fou sur divers sujets: politique,materialisme,psychiatrie,onirisme,etc. . . Alors apparait sa position concernant la crise multiforme des annees 1920. Denoncant la guerre,il exige une societe nouvelle, debarrassee des valeurs traditionnelles:patriotisme,rationalisme,ordre public entre autres. Il condamne aussi la societe capitaliste,responsable de plusieurs maux: inegalites sociales, misere et croyance aveugle en dieu avec soumission totale de l'homme. Sympathisant communiste,il depasse les ideaux de redistribution des biens ou d'internationalisation de la lutte des classes,condamne la discipline collective, privilegiant les aspirations subjectiv de l'individu comme garantes de toute liberation veritable. Admirateur critique du freudisme, il valorise l'inconscient e conteste toute preseance de l'activite eveillee. Antirationaliste,breton chante le "hasard objectif",responsable des coincidences imprevisibles. Il defend l'amour souvent victime des considerations materialistes ou religieuses et redoute l'abandon de la femme rencontree fortuitement dans la rue, divinite,sphinx ou reflet de sa personnalite. Deuxiemement,theoricien d'une litterature revolutionnaire,il vante l'automatisme et raille les constructions du roman realiste. Analysant son esthetique,nous relevons plusieurs emprunts a la rhetorique classique;cependant il les modifie constamment,illustrant ainsi les pouvoirs des mots ou l'arbitraire des ponctuations,exaltant les capacites de l'imagination. Paris,la femme et l'amour le definissent dans nadja,les vases communicants et l'amour fou et son langage,expression de la "beaute convulsive",confirme les theories des manifestes du surrealisme. Personnalite,tours de style,photos et dessins montrent breton constamment revolutionnaire, de la theorie a la pratique.