
Les images paternelles dans l'oeuvre de patrick modiano

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1998







Abstract EN:

Albert modiano having not registered himself as a jew, in 1941, was arrested and taken to the depot, an annexe of drancy, and freed by a french gestapo. But was it not for this event, sym- bolic of the ambiguities of the occupation, would patrick modiano have had the desire to become a genuine french writer ? this thesis takes into consideration all of modiano's published works. There are several approaches : literary, historic, sociocultural, psychoanalytic. The study contains three parts which concern the two ideas 'image' and 'pere'. The first part approaches the different types of paternity which are : parent, social father, surrogate and mentor, showing their social, psychological and sym- bolic importance. The second part focuses on albert modiano. Firstly, the thesis tries to recreate al- bert modiano's biography, which is made difficult by patrick modiano's use of fiction ; then, it deals with his father's multitude of 'doubles'. The 'person' becomes a 'character' whose image develops through the fictional parts of his works. The personal myth arises from the haunting metaphors, as a result his works have partly become a 'tombeau'. Finally, the authorship answers our question : mo- diano wanted to reply to the anti-semites and to give himself a cultural identity. Biographical elements and intertextualities were brought together to create modiano's recurrent themes of guilt, disappearance, the contradiction between forgetting and remembering in a very nostalgic way. His self-portraits reveal his profound purpose : to be a warden of memories and to erect a memorial for all those unknown in history whose traces time will erase. Has he exorcised the memory of his father ?

Abstract FR:

Albert modiano, juif ne s'etant pas fait recenser en 1941, fut arrete, conduit au depot, an- nexe de drancy, et libere par un gestapiste francais. Sans cet episode emblematique des ambiguites de l'occupation, modiano aurait-il eu l'ambition de devenir 'un ecrivain francais' ? la these envisage la totalite de l'oeuvre parue. L'approche est plurielle : litteraire, histori- que, socio-culturelle, psychanalytique. A partir des deux paradigmes 'image' et 'pere', l'etude com- porte trois volets. Le premier explore les differentes formes de paternite : geniteur, pere social, subs- titut, mentor, montrant leur importance sociale, psychologique et symbolique. La seconde partie se focalise sur albert modiano. A la tentative de reconstitution biographique (rendue delicate par l'autofiction), succedent les doubles et leurs savants jeux de miroir. De 'personne', le pere est devenu 'personnage', dont l'image evolue au cours de cette fictionnalisation. A partir des metaphores obse- dantes s'elabore le mythe personnel, et l'oeuvre s'apparente partiellement a un tombeau. Enfin, la paternite litteraire repond a la problematique. Modiano a voulu retorquer aux antisemites et se donner une identite culturelle. Elements biographiques et intertextualite s'associent pour orchestrer la thema- tique modianesque : culpabilite, disparition, tension oublier / se souvenir, avec une tonalite tres nos- talgique. Les autoportraits revelent le dessein profond : etre le gardien de memoire, dresser un memo- rial a tous ces anonymes dont le temps et l'histoire veulent effacer la trace. L'exorcisme est-il ache- ve ?