
"beau masque" de roger vailland, roman de formation. Genese et analyse

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1990



Paris 3




Abstract EN:

How has roger vailland written beau masque? examination of manuscript reveals the important work of revision made by this writer on his expression and the widening of his subject. The report "le nouveau seigneur de l'albarine" reveals its theorical basis. Secondly, documentary interest of beau masque poses the problem of its historicakl truch and reveals the importance of the marxist orientation of roger vailland which colours this authenticity will. Beau masque as a formation novel correspond to the historic notion of this litterary under-sort. For roger vailland, it is at the same time a reflect and means of his self formation. A definition of his world vision refers to his communist ideology which determins his ideas on man, freedom, social ties and his attitude towards nature. Beau masque as an art work is finally a model of a coherent structure, a poetic and a clear prose. Its portrays harmonize the classical depth and the realist technique.

Abstract FR:

Comment roger vailland a -t-il ecrit beau masque? l'examen du manuscrit de ce roman revele l'important travail de remaniement de cet ecrivain sur son expression et marque l7elargissement de son sujet. Le reportage "le nouveau seigneur de l'albarine" en revele la base theorique. En second lieu, l'interet documentaire de beau masque pose le probleme de sa verite historique et revele l'importance de l'orientation marxiste de roger vailland qui teinte sa volonte d'authenticite. En outre, beau masque, roman de formation correspond a la notion historique de ce sous-genre litteraire. Pour roger vailland, il est a la fois reflet et moyen de sa propre formation. Une definition de sa visison du monde se fait par reference a son ideologie communiste qui determine des idees sur l'homme, la liberte, les rapports sociaux et son attitude a l'egard de la nature. Beau masque, oeuvre d'art est enfin un modele d'une structure coherente et d'une prose claire et poetique. Ses portraits marient avec succes la profondeur classique et la technique realiste.