
Le francais regional de provence. Etude phonetique, phonologique, lexicale et syntaxique. Analyse du substrat provencal

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1986



Paris 4


Abstract EN:

French has very recently become a mother tongue for provencal people. In this study, we try to show the history of the conflict involving both french and provencal. Then, we analyze all elements taking part in the specificity of the regional french of provence, which is one of the best known regional french. Therefore, we show the basic and essential role of the provencal language substratum. The socio-linguistic implications of the provencal "regionality" are presented too as a conclusion.

Abstract FR:

Le francais n'est devenu que recemment la langue maternelle des provencaux. Cette etude se propose de presenter l'histoire du conflit provencal-francais, et d'analyser en detail toutes les composantes qui font la specificite du francais regional de provence et d'expliquer leur existence. On met donc en relief le fort impact de la langue provencale dont on fait une presentation complete. Les implications socio-linguistiques de la regionalite provencale sont abordees en corollaire a l'etude linguistique proprement dite.