
Paradoxes de la maternite dans la vie et l'oeuvre de george sand

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991



Paris 8



Abstract EN:

The motherhood dimension in george sand's life and works has only been studied by few people. Following mauron's methods, we will try to find out how thisefeeling was expressed. It would seem that her works portray a nice son and a complex daugther. In ther first part, this method will enable us to discover some "superpositions" which as wellas indicating recurrent themes both in the plot and in the characters also reveal a "personnal myth in the second part, we shall see howthat that personnal mith" fits with the byography. Then we shall study the writer's maternal feeling throughout her life, concluding that her son maurice was her lifelong stay whereas the relationship with her daughter brings to light the paradoxs of motherhood". You will find in the annex some 30 unpublished letters to various correspondants including her mother.

Abstract FR:

La dimension de la maternite n'a ete etudiee que par quel ques chercheurs. On se demandera d'apres la methode de charles mauron dequelles en ont ete les manifestations dans la vie et l'oeuvre de george sand. D'emblee l'oeuvre livre un personnage de fils agreable et un personnage de fille complexe. Cette methode nous permettra dans la premiere partie de degager a partir des "superpositions" des constantes dans les situations, les personnages, et un "mythe personnel". Nous verifions ce "mythe personnel" par la reference biographique; desormais nous suivons le sentiment maternel de l'ecrivain, en aboutissant a la conclusion suivante : son fils maurice a ete l'appui de toute sa vie, sa fille solange "les paradoxes de la maternite". Nous publions en annexe une trentaine de lettres inedites de solange, adressees a ses correspondants varies, dont sa mere.