Analyse sémio-linguistique d'un corpus de contes marocains
Toulouse 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The research deals with a semio-linguistic analysis of exclusively oral morrocan folk-tales. By semiotics is mostly meant the european school, and its foremost representative the paris school headed by a. Jgreimas and his folowers. The tales were first collected in fez and casablanca. They were all recorded on tapes and then turned into french. The analysis focuses on four major points, namely: narrative, discourse, time and space. It also refers to problems such as the image of women in moroccan folk-takes and the influence of islams on society. In more general terms, however, the aim of the research has limited theoretical remarks to the first part, while the rest is thoroughly devoted to close analysis. Indeed this semiotic analysis, "in layers" as it were, testifies to a great semantic unity in the folk-tales which have been studied.
Abstract FR:
Notre sujet de these a porte sur l'analyse semio-linguistique d'un corpus de contes marocains de tradition orale. Par semiotique, nous entendons surtout le courant europeen represente par l'ecole de paris avec a. J. Greimas et ses disciples. Nous avons commence tout d'abord par collecter le corpus a fes et a casablanca. Tous les contes ont ete enregistres sur cassettes puis traduits en francais. Quatre points essentiels ont retenu notre attention dans cette etude que nous proposons: le narratif, le discursif, l'espace et le temps. Nous nous sommes egalement penche sur l'image de la femme a travers le conte populaire marocain et sur l'influence qu'a l'islam sur la societe. Enfin, notons que, si la premiere partie a ete reservee a une presentation theorique, la partie la plus importante de notre travail a ete consacree a l'analyse proprement dite.