Le premier actant en abidjanais : contribution à la syntaxe du non-standard
Bordeaux 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Abidjanee popular french has aquired some notoriety in the scientific world during the seventies - before discouraging the research work in this field, mainly because the approach poses serious problems. In parallel, we notice that researches on the nonstandard varieties are often limited to lexical considerations - neglecting general linguistics and stille more so, syntax. The aim of my research paper is to suggest some practical solutions to some specific obstacles encountered in this field. My analysis tackles the geographic and cultural deep-rooting of this continuum, its social origins and the interactional factors that condition its emergence. The fieldwork is based on a sociolinguistic quest to evaluate the impact of the norm at any moment of the analysis ; an interactional approach of language situations in order to reconstruct the contextual data of the collected utterances. At last, the edition of the utterances in the way of their integral transcription, concieved in function of the characteristics of the individual variation and in function of analysis needs. The syntactic analysis begins using the concepts worked out by the gars to make possible the structural approach of such material marked by the characteristics of spoken language. After a general inventory of the structures gathered my work sheds some light on the internal articulation oft the abidjanee system by focussing on the first actant, working out the system's inherent dynamic, the tension between morphosyntactic and discursive constraints.
Abstract FR:
La notoriete du francais populaire d'abidjan, acquise depuis les annees 70, n'a guere incite les linguistes a poursuivre les recherches en ce domaine ; par ailleurs, les etudes des varietes non standard ne portent que rarement sur des observables syntaxiques : notre travail s'est fixe pour objectif de proposer des solutions pratiques aux obstacles specifiques a de tels terrains. La complexite de la situation sociolinguistique nous conduit a presenter un etat des lieux detaille des origines de la variation : les facteurs geographiques, sociaux et enonciatifs qui conditionnent l'emergence du continuum. L'approche du terrain est triple : l'enquete sociolinguistique inspiree des travaux laboviens pour evaluer l'emprise de la norme a tout moment de l'analyse, l'approche interactionnelle des situations de parole pour garantir l'interpretabilite du corpus, et l'edition du corpus a travers sa transcription phonetique integrale. L'analyse syntaxique a ete amorcee a partir des concepts forges par le gars pour rendre possible l'exploitation structurale d'un materiau marque par les caracteristiques de la langue parlee. Apres un inventaire chiffre des structures relevees, notre analyse met en exergue l'articulation de l'abidjanais a partir du premier actant, afin d'en degager les contraintes morphosyntaxiques et discursives.