Traites moraux du manuscrit 366 de lille
Lille 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The collective study of the moral treatises of lille manuscript 366 - the book of tribulations, an adaptation of de duodecim utilitatibus tribulationis, by pierre de blois, and the book of temptations, probably an original work - makes it possible for us to perceive the oneness of the test, we must all go through. Atti- tudes may differ. Despair, stubborn refusal, stoic self-sufficiency: ineffective- ness. Christian acceptance: efficiency. It is the merits of the passion that endow it with supernatural value : the expiation of sin, the abundance of grace, salva- tion. In the charity of the mystical body.
Abstract FR:
L'etude groupee des traites moraux du manuscrit 366 de lille - le livre des tribulations, adaptation du de duodecim utilitatibus tribulationis, de pierre de blois, et le livre des tentations, oeuvre probablement originale - permet de saisir l'unite de l'epreuve, que chacun doit traverser. Les attitudes peuvent differer. Desespoir, refus obstine, autarcie stoicienne: inefficacite. Acceptation chretien- ne: efficiente. Les merites de la passion lui donnent une valeur surnaturelle: expiation du peche, abondance de graces, salut. Dans la charite du corps mystique.