
Tradition et insoumission dans la poesie francaise

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1986



Paris 3



Abstract EN:

This study analyzes french poetry from its origin to poetry in the making. The first part, which brings in the earliest stages of its history, covers the period from william the ninth of aquitaine till baudelaire. The second part leads from the age of baudelaire up to surrealism. It introduces the next stage, devoted to present-day poetry, one typical of the generations who were born between nineteen hundred and nineteen fifty. While the second part insists on tradition and refusal to submit as related modes in the works of lautreamont, valery, milosz, cendrars, a. Breton, artaud, michaux and ponge, we also considered that, in spite of its scope, this body of writing is an expression of the need to compensate more than a drive towards singularity of purpose. However, rimbaud, mallarme, apollinaire, reverdy, jouve and saint-john perse seem to embody dismissal of submission. The third part of the study is devoted to four newer unsubmissive poets belonging to four succeeding generations : e. Humeau, j. Rousselot, g. Puel and j. Breton. By focusing on this period, we attempted to preserve a balance between an altogether modernist poetry and the poetry up to baudelaire, between poetry as a literary genre and the one which far transcends it in an achievement of the holistic dimension. An appended series of documents delineates the poetic evolution of the years nineteen sixty - nineteen eighty. As a rule, we are demonstrating how the mechanics of poetic creation can only be started through a combina- tion and compulsive alliance of tradition and the refusal to submit.

Abstract FR:

Notre etude s'etend des origines de la poesie francaise a la poesie en train de se faire aujourd'hui. La premiere partie evoque, apres les premices, la periode comprise entre guillaume neuf d'aquitaine et baudelaire. La seconde traite de baudelaire au surrealisme. Elle annonce la troisieme partie consacree a la poesie vivante des generations nees entre mil neuf cents et mil neuf cent cinquante. Si, dans la seconde partie, nous avons insiste sur le registre gemine tradition - insoumission chez lautreamont, valery, milosz, cendrars, a. Breton, artaud, michaux, ponge, il nous a paru cependant que leur oeuvre, malgre sa dimension, constitue plus une compensation, qu'une singularite irreductible. En revanche, rimbaud, mallarme, apollinaire, reverdy, jouve et saint-john perse nous ont paru incarner l'insoumission. La troisieme partie est consacree a quatre nouveaux poetes insoumis de quatre generations successives: e. Humeau, j. Rousselot, g. Puel, j. Breton. En donnant autant de place a cette troisieme partie qu'aux deux precedentes, nous avons tente de preserver l'equilibre entre une poesie resolument moderne et la poesie jusqu'a baudelaire, entre une poesie genre litteraire et la poesie qui cesse de l'etre pour atteindre l'experience de la tota- lite. Un dossier annexe, ensemble de documents dates, retrace l'evo- lution poetique de mil neuf cent soixante a mil neuf cent quatrevingt. En definitive, nous aurions souhaite faire apparaitre que le mecanisme de la creation poetique ne peut etre declenche que par la combinaison et l'enchainement obliges de la tradition et de l'insou- mission.