
Description systematique de l'attie de memni langue kwa de cote-d'ivoire

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996




Abstract EN:

Attie is a language spoken in cote-d'ivoire. It belongs to the kwa cluster of the niger-congo family. The dialect which is dealt with in this thesis is that of memni, a village located at about sixty kilometers away from abidjan. The thesis is organized in three parts : i. Phonology : the methodological approach that is adopted views phonology non only as the study of the distinctive function of phonic elements (surface phonology) but as the study of alternations (morphophonology). Ii. Grammar : this part is devoted to the application of conceptional notions such as nominal constituent, verbal drawers, predicate sequences, serial verbs, phrastic structure of bases and arguments of verbs. Iii. Dictionary : it is an attie-french dictionary, trying to provide a full entry of the meaning of words as well as their grammatical category. The dictionary is apprended with a lexicon french-attie.

Abstract FR:

L'attie est une langue parlee en cote-d'ivoire. Il fait partie de la branche kwa de la famille niger-congo. Le dialecte qui est l'objet de cette these est celui de memni, localite situee a une soixantaine de kilometres d'abidjan. Cette these comprend trois parties : i. Phonologie : l'approche methodologique adoptee concoit la phonologie non seulement comme l'etude de la pertinence des elements phoniques (phonologie de surface), mais aussi l'etude des alternances (ou morphophonologie). Ii. Grammaire : cette partie est consacree a l'analyse appliquee aux faits de l'attie, des notions telles que constituant nominal tiroirs verbaux, sequences de predicats, verbes seriels, structures phrastiques de bases et arguments du verbe. Iii. Dictionnaire attie-francais, suivi d'un lexique francais attie.