
Le reseau lexical de joie dans le cycle de guillaume d'orange

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Paris 4



Abstract EN:

We defined this study both to a lexical system, that of the substantive joie and its paradigm (joiant, joieus. . . ) and to a restricted set of texts, the manuscripts belonging to what is called "guillaume of orange's cycle", which brings on not only a very homogeneous corpus but also a whole and obviously synchroneous one. Inside the limits of such a set, stand out better than anywhere the particular features belonging to the various words we have successively studied (58 on the whole). Analysis of their components allows to define and to contrast, between one another, elements which would sound, otherwise, as quasi-equivalent (f. I. Joiant, lie and balt; deduire, deporter and esbanoier). This vocabulary stands out as a notably representative sample of the epic text and so it may give a contribution to the approach of the mediaeval synonymy of that particular type of writing. Furthermore when it is compared with the vocabulary of other types of writing (f. I. Novels, lyrics. . . ) it brings out the the specificity of epic writing, its productivity and its steadiness several centuries round. At last, when we study, through every detail of the relationships between the manuscripts of this cycle, the way how "works" this vocabulary, we get informed of the genesis peculiar to the mediaeval text.

Abstract FR:

L'etude est doublement limitee : a un reseau lexical, celui du substantif joie et de son paradigme (joiant, joieus. . . ); a un ensemble fini de textes, les manuscrits de ce qui est appele le "petit cycle de guillaume d'orange", constituant un corpus a la fois vaste, tres homogene et pouvant etre considere comme synchrone. Dans les limites d'un tel ensemble, ressortent mieux qu'ailleurs les traits differentiels propres aux divers mots etudies (58 en tout); l'analyse componentielle qui en a ete faite permet de definir et distinguer entre eux des elements qui, autrement, apparaitraient quasiment equivalents (ex. Joiant, lie et balt; deduire, deporter et esbanoier). Parce que ce vocabulaire se revele particulierement representatif du texte de geste, il peut apporter une contribution a l'approche de la synonymie medievale dans ce type d'ecriture. Compare avec le vocabulaire d'autres types de textes (romans, pieces lyriques. . . ), il met en evidence la specificite de l'ecriture de geste, sa productivite, voire sa permanence dans le temps. Enfin, le fonctionnement de ce vocabulaire dans l'ensemble du corpus cyclique, etudie dans tous les details des relations inter-manuscrites, informe de la genese propre au texte medieval.